It’s a testament to Western propaganda really, there’s no need to be intellectual even at a bare minimum level, you only need to vaguely gesture because everyone should already know: “leftism is evil and bad”
Western propaganda is often so reminiscent of 1984 that I would think Orwell was a genuine socialist that got misunderstood, if he wasn’t such a piece of shit person to prove otherwise
When i read it at first i was pretty baffled, he definitely describe capitalism during fascist freefall, why does all those reviews, back covers, tv talking heads all the time insist he was describing communism???
But turned out, he really did had that intention, he was just the worst writer in history, achieving message opposite to intended.
He literally worked for the British government making propaganda during WW2, all the tropes in 1984 are taken direct from the imperial thought control machine.
it’s just like what BadEmpanada was saying about the ethan klein video: he just gestures at things, and expects you to know that they’re bad.
It’s a testament to Western propaganda really, there’s no need to be intellectual even at a bare minimum level, you only need to vaguely gesture because everyone should already know: “leftism is evil and bad”
Western propaganda is often so reminiscent of 1984 that I would think Orwell was a genuine socialist that got misunderstood, if he wasn’t such a piece of shit person to prove otherwise
When i read it at first i was pretty baffled, he definitely describe capitalism during fascist freefall, why does all those reviews, back covers, tv talking heads all the time insist he was describing communism???
But turned out, he really did had that intention, he was just the worst writer in history, achieving message opposite to intended.
He literally worked for the British government making propaganda during WW2, all the tropes in 1984 are taken direct from the imperial thought control machine.
Smug implication: the ideological plaster that goes over every hole