Hi, I moved this year to another city, because my internet provider didn’t give me a dedicated ipv4 address I can’t use a dyndns like duckdns. Another thing to mention is, that I have a dslite tunnel. So I can’t set up dyndns…
So my recent setup is a truenas server sitting under my desk. This is connected via cloudflared to the cloudflare tunnel. There I have my services like seafile or nextcloud configured. They are all pointing to a traefik instance that routes the traffic to the right container.
So to summarize what I have:
- Truenas server
- multiple services
- dslite tunnel
- own domain
- Cloudflare tunnel
- v-server
- Nginx
- docker
To visualize the route the traffic is going
Internet - cloudflare tunnel - cloudfared docker - traefik docker - service (nextcloud) docker
So I want to setup something on my v-server that routes the traffic to my homeserver (truenas)
Internet - DNS (cloudflare) - v-server - (magic docker service on truenas) - traefik docker - service (nextcloud) docker
Does someone have an idea how to solve this?
My suggestion would be to setup a VPN service in your publicly available v-server. The most suggested solution is wireguard.
Then you can connect your truenas to that VPN and make it accessible, maybe via nginx.
The traffic flow would be:
That’s a good point. But that’s also the point where my tinkering won’t help me… Do you have a writeup or a yt video where nginx points to the wireguard VPN? Another question. If I set up the wireguard tunnel, how can I just route the traffic from traefik?
I found this writeup and it looks correct, but I have not tested it.
The author posted a nice graphic that shows the idea:
Thank you! I will have a look at it.
I’m not sure I understand why they need two Caddy servers. The first one should be a simple port forward, no need for a proxy forward. Unless they want to do something with the connections at application level, but it sounds like they simply forward them as-is.
You need two caddy servers if there are other websites on the vserver that will use port 80/443. If not, port forwarding (eg. with iptables) will work.
Basically once you have WG set up, you will have an additional interface with it’s own IP in “ifconfig”. At that point all the ports are available and you can just point your reverse proxy to them (sorry I’m an NGINX user, I have no idea how Traefik works).
Additionally don’t forget to add keep-alive in your WG config so that the service doesn’t shut off once traffic stops going between both servers.