They’re noisy, clacky, impossible to use in an office, in your house without headphones, perhaps even annoying neighbours, need effort to make them work on USB, so why do people love them so much?

I’ve tested two. Didn’t like them because sometimes if you don’t hit the keys head on, they move a bit to the side with the spring and that’s jarring on your fingers.

Where do you stand on the debate?

Also, first post, so what better a topic!

    24 days ago

    I recently purchased because I have been programming for >20 years and I just accepted pain in both my hands, like the idiot I am, all along using mechanical keyboards. After using this keyboard for 1 day I noticed the pain was gone, after a week I purchased another one just so I could have one at home and one at work. Been using it for a month now and the difference is night and day. Rarely do I experience pain in my hands. I have the keyboard set to the highest reverse tilt FYI.