But there’s still no guarantee the GOP’s next pick for speaker will be able to secure the needed 217 votes on the House floor, as some lawmakers aren’t signing a “unity” pledge.

Three weeks after Kevin McCarthy’s ouster, House Republicans will gather behind closed doors Tuesday morning to nominate a new candidate for speaker — their third attempt to fill the job.

A GOP civil war has prevented Republicans from agreeing on a successor to McCarthy, R-Calif. The GOP’s two previous picks bowed out after they failed to secure the votes needed to win on the floor, leaving the House in a state of unprecedented chaos with a possible government shutdown less than a month away and wars raging in Ukraine and the Middle East.

“The world is burning around us, and American leadership is necessary. And you can’t have the full complement of American leadership if the House of Representatives is not functioning,” Rep. Steve Womack, R-Ark., said on NBC’s “Meet the Press NOW," emphasizing the need for his colleagues to move on and coalesce around a new leader.

  • @Juujian@lemmy.world
    908 months ago

    “In each round Tuesday, the lowest vote-getter will be eliminated until a single candidate secures a simple majority of those in the room.”

    Ranked choice, how progressive ?!

    • @ramble81@lemm.ee
      498 months ago

      The highest vote getter will be Jeffries. Oh wait, they’re ignoring half the chamber.

    • Nougat
      118 months ago

      If there’s anything I know about American Fascists, it’s that if they promise not to vote for someone who’s not been nominated, and promise not to vote for someone who’s been eliminated, they are lying.

  • Flying Squid
    368 months ago

    I love that they keep doing this behind closed doors so we don’t see them trying to kick each other’s asses.

    • @Nightwingdragon@lemmy.world
      108 months ago

      This is the way it’s always worked. The difference is that usually, the closed-door vote is a mundane formality before bringing the vote to the floor, and there’s no soap-opera drama happening in the room that anyone would care about, so we usually hear little to nothing about it.

      This time it’s just slightly different. Can’t exactly put my finger on how though… ;)

  • Sparking
    188 months ago

    Just admit defeat and vote for Jeffries. Losers.

  • @snekerpimp@lemmy.world
    188 months ago

    Republicans that reach across the isle and vote for a democrat JUST to keep the country going will be looked back on as heroes.

    • @Nightwingdragon@lemmy.world
      148 months ago

      Republicans that reach across the isle and vote for a democrat JUST to keep the country going will be looked back on as heroes.

      Sadly, this is not the case. Every Republican who has even attempted to glance across the aisle either quit, “retired”, or was primaried. As much as we’d like to believe that there are only a few GOPers who are truly at the extremes, the overwhelming majority of their voting base wants it this way. Why do you think so many people have denounced Trump, only to come back begging for forgiveness in record time?

      • Sparking
        58 months ago

        There has got to be 5 Republicans ready to throw in the towel. Screw the maga crowd, they can go to hell.

      • @snekerpimp@lemmy.world
        28 months ago

        Because they see who is pulling the orange sandwich’s strings and want to suckle at the same teat. They value money over human life. I just like to hope there just half a dozen left that have some shred of humanity left in them. A pipe dream I know…

    • Granite
      48 months ago

      But they will be eaten alive now, so they won’t

    • Zorque
      08 months ago

      They’d need an independent or third party, or they’d be villainized.

  • @Treczoks@lemm.ee
    118 months ago

    US politics is delivering so many opportunities for eating popcorn. “The Speaker Show: Who Will Fail Today”, “Trump vs. the Law - Showdown in Court”.

    • Nougat
      8 months ago

      Apparently, signing a pledge is required to help guarantee they won’t fuck each other.

      Narrator: They will fuck each other.

      • @Nightwingdragon@lemmy.world
        8 months ago

        Narrator: They will fuck each other.

        This is a blatantly false statement.

        • Matt Gaetz will not fuck any of them because they’re all above the age of 18.
        • Lauren Boebert only lets them get to second base, but insists that it happens in public.
        • Jim Jordan only watches people fuck college wrestlers.
        • Marjorie Taylor Greene does not fuck outside her species.
        • Nougat
          28 months ago

          This is a blatantly false statement.

          I was lifting my pitchfork before I read the rest of your comment. Well played.

  • Unaware7013
    98 months ago

    3rd time this month. I think we’re over 20 speaker votes for the year.

  • HubertManne
    28 months ago

    I bet they could get one elected if it was a combined vote for speaker and lower taxes on corporations, capital gains, and the wealthiest levels of income

  • AutoTL;DRB
    28 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    WASHINGTON — Three weeks after Kevin McCarthy’s ouster, House Republicans will gather behind closed doors Tuesday morning to nominate a new candidate for speaker — their third attempt to fill the job.

    The GOP’s two previous picks bowed out after they failed to secure the votes needed to win on the floor, leaving the House in a state of unprecedented chaos with a possible government shutdown less than a month away and wars raging in Ukraine and the Middle East.

    And you can’t have the full complement of American leadership if the House of Representatives is not functioning,” Rep. Steve Womack, R-Ark., said on NBC’s “Meet the Press NOW," emphasizing the need for his colleagues to move on and coalesce around a new leader.

    The party’s two previous nominees — Majority Leader Steve Scalise of Louisiana and Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan of Ohio — came nowhere close to that magic number and were forced to drop out.

    Some lawmakers, including Reps. Ralph Norman, R-S.C., and Chip Roy, R-Texas, told reporters Monday as colleagues were meeting that they would not sign a “unity” pledge to support the speaker-designate before they knew who it was.

    ; Republican Study Committee Chairman Kevin Hern of Oklahoma, who previously owned McDonald’s franchises and sent burgers to colleagues Monday; former Rules Committee Chairman Pete Sessions of Texas; Jack Bergman of Michigan, a retired Marine Corps lieutenant general; Byron Donalds of Florida, a member of the far-right Freedom Caucus; and Austin Scott of Georgia, who challenged Jordan for speaker last week.

    The original article contains 862 words, the summary contains 255 words. Saved 70%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!