The more I think about it, the more I feel like people seem to have some level of desire to see “THE END”. Call it morbid curiosity. Call it nihilism. Call it death anxiety. Whatever. It seems like with all the effort people give to thinking about “the downfall”, there must be some fascination with it.

There’s so many forms of it. Doomsday preppers. Prophetic apocalypses. Global warfare. Climate disasters. The rise of fascism. People see “THE END” in so many different ways. And with the world not becoming any less precarious any time soon, we can only expect these mass-anxities to continue. (And the rich guys certainly have a vested interest in the end of everything. They get to keep their High Score.)

Or maybe not. Maybe human civilization (in at least some form) will continue for millennia more. Maybe we’re far off from the end. But one thing is certain: for each and every one of us walking this earth, the end is at most a century away, give or take a few decades.

“How grand would it be to witness the end of everything!” cries the mortal pretender. For it is not just his death, but the death of all that he knows – and he gets to bear witness.

    24 days ago

    Well I don’t want to see the end. Other than the climate issues that are already to far gone to have anything remotely like the lives we have right now. All the other stuff we can fight and get through. I do grieve for humanitys lost potential as a species. I live like someone that is terminal and charish everyday and make a bucket list for things I want to do before I can’t do them anymore.

    I can’t tell you how much I want to be wrong but reading the ipcc reports. You can’t help but count your days. It’s gone from if we just stop doing what we are doing 30 years ago we will be okay. To if we stop everything right now and have a miracle tech that can pull carbon out of the air. It won’t be as bad and we are not even doing the stopping part. We have to beat fascism before we can even start step 1.

    I will happeily eat crow the day I’m wrong with a big smile on my face.

    There was this scene in the movie “Seeking a Friend for the End of the World” that always sticks with me. They are laying in the bed staring at each other when the meteor makes earth fall. I live that scene in slow motion when it comes to the climate every heat dome or winter vortex or wildfire. Is another aftershock they flinch at as they stare at each other waiting for the screen to go black.