I like to think of tankies as Anakin Skywalker in that scene on the Grass with Padme. Anakin is gently explaining his hopes for the future, the wonderful world he wants to build, but when asked if people disagree he says “then they’ll be made to”, revealing his authoritarian streak. To anakin, like the tankie, seems obvious that an ultimate authority is necessary to shepherd the people into their eventual utopia, by force if necessary.
Many recognize the goal of a far left state is to whither and die, but the tankie forgets that power begets power. A dictatorship of the prolietariat is all well and good until a well spoken wolf in the finest wool takes the reigns. Power does not corrupt; rather i believe it is corruption that seeks power, and like dragons those corrupted by power will not give it up, and will do anything for more
A banger
CW: Ableism
In another part of the thread, someone uses the R-slur and gets called out. The person calling them out got downvoted while the ableist is upvoted, replying “This is why everyone thinks you’re insufferable.”
So yeah. They’re just mad they can’t come here and shout slurs at people.
Very silly people, and terrfiying to know that they think themselves morally correct.
Everyone who disagrees with me is mentally ill and therefore automatically unserious and inferior, a liberal bedtime story for the ages
It really is annoying. Like, I’m probably not what one would consider ‘sane’ in some senses, but I still have better takes than that. (usually)
“insane” = “doesn’t tolerate me being an overt/covert racist/western chauvinist/libshit unlike the vast majority of reddit where I get rewarded with updoots”
I’d hate to meet someone well-adjusted in this insane world
“People who disagree with me are insane,” I say while crying and shitting my diaper because I’m a fucking baby.