I was about to pull the trigger and buy a System 76 Pangolin when the trade BS started. As far as I can tell, there are no Canadian manufacturers (or repackagers like System 76), so I’m looking for suggestions. My preference would be Canadian, but happy to consider anything non-US.

I prefer to buy hardware that can last - my phone is nearly 10 years old, and my tower PC is almost 20, with various upgrades over time. I know that laptops aren’t as good for upgrades, but some sturdiness, and non-soldered RAM would be appreciated.

I’m looking for a 15"/16" laptop that plays well with Linux (I like Pop!OS, but fine to migrate) it would be primarily for office stuff, but with decent enough iGPU that I can do basic graphic work, and play some indy games. I’d like something that generally doesn’t sound like a helicopter when I use it. 1-2Tb SDD, and 32 GB RAM. ~$2500 CAD is my max.

I looked at Lenovo, but they’re getting expensive, and I’m not sure whether they go through the US prior to hitting Canada or not.

Thanks in advance!

  • virtualsky@lemmy.ca
    1 month ago

    I’ve purchased several off-lease laptops from Forest City Surplus (fcsurplus.ca) and have been very happy with them. They have a nice selection and I could never tell that they were refurbished.