I was about to pull the trigger and buy a System 76 Pangolin when the trade BS started. As far as I can tell, there are no Canadian manufacturers (or repackagers like System 76), so I’m looking for suggestions. My preference would be Canadian, but happy to consider anything non-US.

I prefer to buy hardware that can last - my phone is nearly 10 years old, and my tower PC is almost 20, with various upgrades over time. I know that laptops aren’t as good for upgrades, but some sturdiness, and non-soldered RAM would be appreciated.

I’m looking for a 15"/16" laptop that plays well with Linux (I like Pop!OS, but fine to migrate) it would be primarily for office stuff, but with decent enough iGPU that I can do basic graphic work, and play some indy games. I’d like something that generally doesn’t sound like a helicopter when I use it. 1-2Tb SDD, and 32 GB RAM. ~$2500 CAD is my max.

I looked at Lenovo, but they’re getting expensive, and I’m not sure whether they go through the US prior to hitting Canada or not.

Thanks in advance!

  • Sturgist@lemmy.ca
    2 months ago

    Lots of times they’ll put stuff up through auction houses like here.

    Just pop in you city, or the closest large city, then liquidation auction into the search engine of choice. Should get a few hits for even moderately sized cities.

    It’s a bit of an addiction, combing through lot listings, trying to find the decent bits and hoping to not get out bid at the last second.