By going out and organizing in working class communities and doing the day-to-day with of building a revolutionary socialist movement. It’s not gonna be arguing with Reddit libs.
In all seriousness, this is actually my angle. My attempt at starting a PSL branch here is actually kind of taking off and we are look at going to a protest this Saturday for support and to help out. We are currently looking into making signs. I help with our local Food Not Bombs when I can and the whole group that is joining my branch showed up this past Saturday. I think it’s good start.
I was actually worried that it wasn’t gonna take off since I don’t know many real leftists here that aren’t anarchists. But I recently found out that the college I graduated from has a socialist club and so I reached out to them and they were all basically like “hell yeah we wanna join!” We also added a new member to the list this last weekend too.
And like these kids are alright. They all seemed to come from a “grew up in a conservative household and stated deprogramming in my teens” background. When I asked them about radicalization, one even said they sort of woke up after reading the Wretched of the Earth by Fanon. So like, hella based lol. It went from possible failure to “let’s get out and agitate” basically overnight.
I appropriate the support from my fellow online comrades. After my DSA branch fell apart overnight, I was hesitant on organizing in my city since it’s mostly libs and chuds. But I’m trying to take what I’ve learned from DSA and also very much take this PSL thing seriously. They really make you put in the work and I think I’m up to the task. I will admit that the first meeting was pure anxiety since I was completely out of my element. But I’m getting it I think.
By going out and organizing in working class communities and doing the day-to-day with of building a revolutionary socialist movement. It’s not gonna be arguing with Reddit libs.
In all seriousness, this is actually my angle. My attempt at starting a PSL branch here is actually kind of taking off and we are look at going to a protest this Saturday for support and to help out. We are currently looking into making signs. I help with our local Food Not Bombs when I can and the whole group that is joining my branch showed up this past Saturday. I think it’s good start.
Welcome to the real revolutionary movement, comrade
I was actually worried that it wasn’t gonna take off since I don’t know many real leftists here that aren’t anarchists. But I recently found out that the college I graduated from has a socialist club and so I reached out to them and they were all basically like “hell yeah we wanna join!” We also added a new member to the list this last weekend too.
And like these kids are alright. They all seemed to come from a “grew up in a conservative household and stated deprogramming in my teens” background. When I asked them about radicalization, one even said they sort of woke up after reading the Wretched of the Earth by Fanon. So like, hella based lol. It went from possible failure to “let’s get out and agitate” basically overnight.
badass work, comrade
I appropriate the support from my fellow online comrades. After my DSA branch fell apart overnight, I was hesitant on organizing in my city since it’s mostly libs and chuds. But I’m trying to take what I’ve learned from DSA and also very much take this PSL thing seriously. They really make you put in the work and I think I’m up to the task. I will admit that the first meeting was pure anxiety since I was completely out of my element. But I’m getting it I think.