debit cards usually lack the buyer protection that credit cards offer. just treat your credit cards like an old-school charge card that got paid off every month
yeah cc are the best but you need to treat them like its a debit card. I actualy have to call regularly to get my maximums lowered. They love to set them real high but I don’t want them larger than what I earn in a month which is still to high given its not like I could spend that whole amount given the stuff that you have to pay every month not on cc and I have more than one. You definately cannot charge till you get rejected from hitting the limit.
debit cards usually lack the buyer protection that credit cards offer. just treat your credit cards like an old-school charge card that got paid off every month
yeah cc are the best but you need to treat them like its a debit card. I actualy have to call regularly to get my maximums lowered. They love to set them real high but I don’t want them larger than what I earn in a month which is still to high given its not like I could spend that whole amount given the stuff that you have to pay every month not on cc and I have more than one. You definately cannot charge till you get rejected from hitting the limit.