I am trying to make a 2024 version of my paladin. I can pick Oath of Devotion because it is free. I can pick the Xanathar’s options and Oathebreaker because they are from 2014 content I own, but I cannot pick the 2014 version of things I own if they’re in 2024 content I don’t own. I can’t use the Oath of the Ancients.

  • mholiv@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    I think you are underestimating yourself. When I run games I make sure all new players create characters by hand. That way they have a sense of the fundamentals. By level 3 they’re able to do it all on their own and can crate new characters from scratch.

    It’s a good thing to have a fundamental understanding of the game. After players get more experienced I let them use a character generator. Still have to print it out and use paper sheets though. Laptops and cell phones in my experience RUIN campaigns.

    EDIT: My group uses Pathfinder 2e. It’s much more player friendly and feels less like they’re trying to suck every cent out of your wallet.