Defeating Drumpf by having the cast of Hamilton follow him around in public, singing something absurd
Ed. Christ, I looked it up and
The Orange Alternative (Polish: Pomarańczowa Alternatywa) is a Polish anti-communist underground movement, started in Wrocław, a city in south-west Poland and led by Waldemar Fydrych (sometimes misspelled as Frydrych), commonly known as Major (Commander of Festung Breslau)
It dates to the 80’s, and these idiots couldn’t even pick an anti-fascist group. I just assumed it was some WWII era group, but no
Defeating Drumpf by having the cast of Hamilton follow him around in public, singing something absurd
Ed. Christ, I looked it up and
It dates to the 80’s, and these idiots couldn’t even pick an anti-fascist group. I just assumed it was some WWII era group, but no