After arriving a while ago at the conclusion that the best option for reading comics/manga is a full-sized tablet instead of e-ink based devices, got an 8’ Samsung tablet for not much. It serves the purpose but even with Blokada in it blocking everything it can, and every “privacy” option tuned to as closed as possible, i suspect it’s still leaking TONS of data, and would like to root it if there’s good choices for it. Do we have at least decent choices for Android tablets now in 2025? I search for this and people focus on phones with little to no attention to tablets

    1 month ago

    Yeah unfortunately most Android devices come with locked bootloaders, especially Samsung, so I think you’d have to consider different hardware.

    You could consider a PineTab? Or a JingPad, if you can find a used one (the company went under). Or if you really wanna dig deep and get a badass tablet, the MinisForum V3 seems to work well with Linux.