I’m seeing some people say crazy numbers on Twitter.
had to go to three stores before we found one with eggs
Capitalism is when no eggs
I ended up at Whole Foods the other day because I didn’t want to drive across town and capitalism is also when there’s no organic milk. Seriously, they had zero fresh dairy products and signs about how hard it was to get organic dairy now of days, but no non-organic dairy cause that’s povo filth.
In Colorado, surrounded by the same poultry farms that gave us the first human transmission case:
Affordable grocers have had no stock for much of the last six months or so. When you can find them in stock, it’s about $5/dozen with a pre-bird flu price of around $3/dozen.
Luxury grocers have had no reasonably priced eggs in stock for the same length of time. There are sometimes one or two options for high-end eggs at $10-12/dozen. They also have cartons of liquefied whole eggs and egg whites.
Both ration eggs to 1-2 dozen per customer when they’re in stock.
Chicken-focused restaurants are either going out of business, raising prices (a breakfast burrito went from $6 to $9 at my favourite taco truck), or limiting their egg usage with intermittent shortages. Barbecue is another cuisine that has been particularly impacted since those animals are fed chicken shit from the infected poultry farms. I think we’ve lost three or four local bakeries in the past six months.
What makes an egg “high end”?
They put a little stamp on the egg that says “Eggstra Good”
The conditions the chickens are kept in. Normally you can buy factory farm eggs ($2-3/dozen), cage-free eggs ($3-6/dozen) where the chickens can still be kept indoors, or free-range eggs ($6-10/dozen) where the chickens get to forage in a pasture of some sort. The factory farm conditions are what causes such rapid transmission so the only farms left are the smaller ones.
The yolk is orange and tastes 5x better
And the shells don’t crack from sneezin on em
tbh the biggest difference is the freshness. Getting them from a farmer’s market or your neighbor is a huge difference, plus your neighbor is nicer to their chickens than the poultry plant
high end eggs are eggs made specifically in colorado, where its a liberal communist wild wild west for marijuana laws. they inject the chickens with THC and the eggs come out infused with it. the liberals in colorado feed them to their kids and what does it do? makes them lazy hippies who keep voting democrat.
Hell yeah, brother
I get my eggs from a local farmer who charges $3 a dozen
He calls me Skip, but that’s a fair trade in my book
$3 for an official nickname isn’t bad at all.
It’s not official, if you call me Skip I will cry, I swear to god
You get what you pay for. For $10 I’d give you a much better nickname that allows you to
when you say it.
Local eggs and a nickname? That’s a win-win right there!
These prices are insane. Is it because of the bird flu?
And price gouging
Capital is unionized…porky wants more.
Although part of me was hoping that with the friendly face of the gop in office, porky would be on his best behavior for at least a little bit.
5.40 a dozen, I’ve been using flax seed and garbanzo liquid eggs in baked goods since you usually can’t tell anyway.
Aquafaba my beloved.
Sorry, but I came into this thread to brag about being
Recently, I learned to simmer tofu in extremely salty water for 2 minutes to dry it out. Drip dry. Then toss it with cornstarch, oil, and black pepper. I put it in my toaster oven at 425 for 14 minutes on each side. Or just sauté it in a pan for a lil bit. Comes out crispy as hell. Then I toss it in a sauce made from green onion, garlic, ginger, oil, gochujang, xaoxing wine, Chinese black vinegar, Sichuan chili bean paste, and soy sauce. Then I add some cabbage for extra veggie goodness. And toasted sesame oil.
For breakfast, you could do a simpler sauce with just soy, toasted sesame oil, and rice vinegar. Or something western like pesto.
Anyway, tofu slaps, and you can get an organic brick of it with 70g of protein for like 3$
I read that soy gives you increased estrogen so I’ve been eating it every day for a year and I still haven’t grown breasts
Keep trying sis!
loves you
I wish I had that much time in the morning. I’m a rice and kim chi kinda guy since it takes a third of the time.
Thats more of a lunch/dinner recipe for me. You can make it easier by not making the tofu crispy and putting seasonings directly on them instead of making a sauce in a pan. There are tons of tofu scramble recipes out there that are decent.
Shaws/Albertsons has a dozen for 4.99 in new hampshire
Last night I saw 9.99 for the ‘we treat the chickens slightly more humanely’ version
I have no idea
Holy shit, I haven’t bought eggs in about 6 months and had no idea it got this bad. Local farmers with small operations tend to sell for much cheaper than supermarket prices under normal conditions, it would be interesting to see what they’re charging at farmers markets and roadside stands at the moment.
I haven’t bought any but I’ve seen them advertised at $7-8/dozen at various roadside stands
Damn, even them too…
4.50 USD from the walmart near me checking online, I don’t buy eggs so idk if that is out of the ordinary.
Aldi used to have a dozen for .99
It wasn’t long ago that Aldi had a dozen eggs for 46¢ in my area
4 cents an egg is wild. For 10 years I’ve been used to a dozen cage-free eggs costing around 20 cents an egg.
46 cents a dozen, that’s like being able to get all your daily calories from eggs for $1.20, equivalent to 10 minutes of the federal minimum wage. Literally less expensive than the time it takes to buy them or the gas it takes to get to the store. Extremely rational and beneficial and wholesome industry.
It costs 1.99 euros and 3.39 euros for animal-friendly for a carton of 10 eggs
The lowest price on the shelf where I work is $5 for a dozen. There are none of those though.
There are $6 and $8 dozens of the store brand. I think they’re organic. The highest cost dozen is like $14 I think but they’re the super organic bougie ones.
The store has been receiving less then a quarter of the eggs getting ordered too so the shelves get wiped out fast.
American Lite here, I’ll check when I go to the store later, I’m curious how it compares to down south
Couldn’t tell you, I’m a vegan BTW. However, a large Hass Avacado in my area is $2.50 a piece which is preposterous
I mean it is winter, I don’t think they’re in season
Canada, not far from the border
This is in Canadian dollars too. Someone good at the economy please explain
For now it seems like Canadian egg supply hasn’t been hit (or hit hard maybe? I’m not too sure) as that was also the price I saw when I went shopping yesterday. From looking up the currency exchange, 4.17 Canuck dollars = 2.90 Yankee dollars.
cold weather might play a part, or migration patterns.