Welcome to the third week of the Imperialism Reading Group! Last week’s thread is here.

This is a weekly thread in which we read through books on and related to imperialism and geopolitics. How many chapters or pages we will cover per week will vary based on the density and difficulty of the book, but I’m generally aiming at 30 to 40 pages per week, which should take you about an hour or two.

The first book we are covering is the foundation, the one and only, Lenin’s Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism. We will read two chapters per week, meaning that we will finish reading in mid-to-late February. Unless a better suggestion is made, we will then cover Michael Hudson’s Super Imperialism, and continue with various books from there.

Every week, I will write a summary of the chapter(s) read, for those who have already read the book and don’t wish to reread, can’t follow along for various reasons, or for those joining later who want to dive right in to the next book without needing to pick this one up too.

This week, we will be reading Chapter 5: Division Of The World Among Capital Associations and Chapter 6: Division Of The World Among The Great Powers.

Please comment or message me directly if you wish to be pinged for this group.

  • Trying not to tell too much about my life, but just wanted to share this moment today. A client of mine brought me candy today at work, just out of the goodness of their heart. I work with homeless people or people in risk of becoming homeless and this was because I managed to get them a safe place to sleep in last week. This person has nothing, no money and no home to go to. Yet they decided to use those smallest of resources to bring me something nice.💔

    These are the people we are leaving behind, always genuinely the best people. It crushes me a little inside when I know I am going to my safe home after my work is done and so many are in such precarious positions, often the kindest of us. Not that anyone needs to earn safety or shelter in any way.