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The original was posted on /r/permaculture by /u/PosturingOpossum on 2025-01-25 03:57:23+00:00.

I feel like I’m speaking into the void right now and maybe I’m just writing this for myself but our world is fucked. It’s not good, virtually anywhere; and it’s not getting better.

Authoritarianism is on the rise for many reasons but permaculturists will understand it more than most when I say our structural underlying deficiencies are not political. They are ecological. They are spiritual. Now don’t misconstrue me, I’m not religious. But both our religions and our institutions are. They are dominionists. They are consumptive and violent. We have structured our civilizations that way and we have unleashed that malevolence unto the world. To Gaia, the collective biome of the whole planet.

We are eating the planet whole; and with it, ourselves. Now, everything we’re seeing politically makes sense when you view it ecologically. We have overshot our carrying capacity and resources are thin. Opening up more drilling operations, bringing more acreage into production and industrial fish farming won’t stop the long term repercussions of overshoot, they will only make it worse.

So to ye I say this. Permaculture is intended to be an act of resistance. If you’re not growing as much food as you possibly can and restoring as much habitat as possible, then you’re letting the man win. Geoff Lawton always says that all the world’s problems can be solved in the garden. He means all of them, fascism included.

If you’re still here; I’ll get you my main point. I am starting a micro permaculture nursery. I’m in cantonment FL zone 8B and have prepared space, bought a bunch of seeds, and direct sow pots, Inoculated mushrooms, obtained two cast iron bathtubs for worms farming, purchased 30 yards of some pretty well composted wood chips and have another 50 coming. Have a place to start seeds inside and will soon hopefully have the time. I want to do this to slowly supplement my income while providing something the community desperately needs.

I feel really overwhelmed with it all though and are either looking for some encouragement or strategies to materially start to implement this. I sat down tonight trying to put together a Gantt chart for successional plantings of seedlings and gave up. Decided that I would just take good notes of what was planted when and find out the limits that way. I only started gardening in the fall of 2023, and that was basically a dud. Last year is when I started practicing permaculture and gained a lot of knowledge but I still don’t feel like I know anything. I know it takes time; and with the recent political developments I don’t feel like that’s a resource in abundant supply any longer. What do you think?