The reason your messaging sucks is because you don’t believe it and that’s really obvious. Instead of standing for things and exciting people you’re doing focus groups on how to trick people into thinking they’re excited.
Chuds hate minorities so republicans say they’ll be cruel to minorities so republicans vote for them and then they’re cruel to minorities.
Liberals want healthcare so dems say they’ll get them Healthcare so liberals vote for them and then democrats say if you want Healthcare you’re an idiot who doesn’t understand how politics works and also you must secretly be a republican, just look at this graph.
Rinse and repeat for 4 straight election cycles and suddenly you can’t even beat trump.
this is it. they don’t want change, and every dem presidency has shown that so obviously. it’s all status quo
I don’t know who Warner is or what the tuna melt moment was. So maybe it wasn’t that viral.
Every single late night show made the exact same joke about it in their opening monologue how could that not have solidified it as a certified viral moment.
It’s a Chuck Schumer approved meme folks, what more do you want?
He doesn’t even do that for his neice Amy, no matter ho much she supports genocide
wait thats his niece? nepotism all the way down folks
I had to look it up cuz I also did not remember it. And this was during the COVID days when there was nothing to do BUT be online
I also did not remember it.
And this was during the COVID days
and what did you find? was it something you had actually ever heard about? I don’t think I have.
You could just promise the American working class that you’ll do things that help them and then actually do it but no clearly it’s some fucking tuna melt moment that’s ruining your party
Funny thing is they think its the LACK of a tuna melt moment that’s killing them
They are saying that getting clowned on for microwaving bread and cheese and canned tuna was good, and they need to do more forced memes
I remember when Obama said if you like your doctor you can keep them. That was pretty viral. Or Pokemon go to the polls
They talked about how to go viral
Looking at the covid deaths under Biden, I would say they know enough
I had to look it up. They didn’t even go viral for something good. They went viral for microwaving slop and calling it a tuna melt. Even in their fantasies of good marketing they’re getting laughed at.
Putting fish in the microwave should be illegal
Especially in a break room. Goddamn so many people bring the most rank stuff to nuke so all of us in the 20x20 cube had to inhale gaseous fish
i did this once… at a place i hated working at and i hated pretty much everyone who worked there
the anger was delicious
Dropping fish in the gap between the garbage can and garbage can container a week ago should be illegal too. Why? Cause it rots, it reeks. Can’t see where it’s coming from easily, either. Yet here we are.
Tuna are such majestic creatures. It’s like it got killed a second time over.
Repeat after me: It doesn’t matter how good your messaging is if the content of the message is dogshit.
Messaging is not the issue with the Democratic Party, the problem is policy and whether people believe you’ll enact it.
Lots of good answers, so I’ll throw my own take in
The answer is painfully simple: Republicans engage with their constituents in a back and forth, and Democrats only engage with K Street. I would bet Democrats barely talk with their own staff of younger people enough to understand meme culture. After 50 years of focus groups, polls, and consultants Democrats cannot meaningfully communicate with their voters.
There was one Democrat exception. Do you know who did work with their base and had a great meme culture?
You couldn’t live with your own failure, where did that bring you? Back to ME
I actually got to meet Bernie during the 2016 primary, I think that was the last time I had any hope
Same! I was at his Essex junction rally. God that felt like a lifetime ago.
Yeah what do people like Buttigieg or Harris have to offer Americans? The same issues that trouble them? A vague concept of economic freedom that most associate with the decline of their living standard.
very memorable
Haha I know my brain is cooked and my memory is shot full of holes but I will not be gaslit by this.
How on point. A room of overpaid clowns discussing how they can appeal to their constituents through the most vapid, shallow ways they can think of.
The Democratic Party Needs a Bean Dad
My time is now.
go viral
Yeah, and that’s the left’s fatal flaw. We care about what’s right; and the right thing is almost never hip with the kiddos.
If they insist, the left should serve as a digital counter-culture. We’re the grass touchers and we want you to touch grass. That’s why we want more housing to be built and more jobs to exist. Leftism will get you out of your parents’ basement.
There, no consultation fee required.
The current culture promotes nihilism and cynicism, of leaders that seek the betterment of their citizenry as an oxymoron, concessions to the oppressors as fact, it is to create a world where people need to confine justice into the afterlife. People will listen and they will come once the conditions are ready for it. IF one does not fall to careerism.
Omg I feel so home in hexbear spaces thank you for not making me feel fucking insane.
How do liberal vote blue no matter who types accept this!!! And go along with it?! And genuinely believe the propaganda??? HOWWWW
Well, I gotta tell you, there’s a lot of competition out there, the whole internet is full of people trying to go viral and carve out their own niche. The first question you gotta ask yourself if you want to distinguish yourself is: What can you do that nobody else can? And then, what do people want to see you do? I mean, like, I don’t really know what you do but you’re like a major political party or something, right? Maybe you should look at what policies people want to see enacted, and then support those policies?
Go viral like Budd Dwyer!
I’m 34 years old and have never voted for a Democrat.
I’m 35 and I have and every time I’ve regretted it.