The bakery chain has confirmed its frozen steak bakes which are sold in Iceland stores contain sulphites which have not been declared on the label.

Anyone with a sensitivity to sulphur dioxides and sulphites is at risk as they can cause allergy-like symptoms in people with asthma and allergiv rhinitis.

It can cause wheezing, a tight chest and a cough.

The more severe reactions can also include anaphylaxis – although this is rare according to Allergy UK.

mSome steak bake packs also contain the sausage, bean and cheese melts instead, which also contain sulphites.

    2 months ago

    I find it weird that this would make it in to the news. Im subscribed to the FSA alerts and there is at least one alert every week for a recall. Also why didnt they put the link in to subscribe for more allergy alerts or recalls, as though their readers only eat greggs.

    Edit: sorry not spamming, my server glitched out for a moment. Deleted duplicates.