I’ll admit I would be the kind of person who wastes critical seconds during a home invasion backspacing over typos and reviewing/editing my grammar/punctuation before hitting send because my brain demands perfection under any circumstance. But I think in those situations anybody should get a pass so long as they can communicate quickly and comprehensively.
“Here me”
Everything in that text conversation says none of them understand basic grammar and spelling.
? Home invasion, better check my spelling before sending.
I’ll admit I would be the kind of person who wastes critical seconds during a home invasion backspacing over typos and reviewing/editing my grammar/punctuation before hitting send because my brain demands perfection under any circumstance. But I think in those situations anybody should get a pass so long as they can communicate quickly and comprehensively.
Learn to forgive, it will help you grow as a person
Don’t be weird
I forgive you
Grammar might not be on their mind while someone is hunting for them in their home
But clear communication should be. Here is fine tho
And did you have an issue understanding my meaning?