We all know this. We need to do a specific task and with the help of the internet we find a specific tool alongside command line parameters to do the job right from the shell.
What is a good way of collecting/documenting these snippets on your own for future reference and use? Just a text file in the home folder?
In my obsidian i use the daily note feature heavily and if i come across a useful snippet or info i will add a tag and content like below. I found tagging to be helpful because i do not have to spend effort up front putting the file in the “right” folder. I have cleaned some of these up by removing them from my daily notes and into dedicated notes, but only after i have collected quite a few for a specific language or tech and there is a need for me to put more structure around the information.
#codesnippet/<language or tech stack> Write a description to help me remember what this is for
<insert code here>