The last great modern games I’ve played it’s RE4 remake but that mostly thanks to the ground up job done by the groundbreaking original from 2005, so I “disqualify it”

  • Lack of innovation, which has kind of always been a thing. When something does innovate, everybody else starts copying it. From Doom, to Diablo, to Minecraft to GTA.

    There’s also just a general lack of feeling to a lot of big budget bullshit. Technically stable, polished gameplay, great aesthetics; but there’s no heart. No passion. Everyone involved was just there for the paycheck. It’s routine. I don’t really know how else to put it, but it’s the difference between art and simply a product.

      20 hours ago

      I think also because it’s become impossible for a major game to be someone’s passion project. They’re designed by committee out of necessity. The level of organising required creates processes and structure and stultifyies individual flair.

      Gamers are responsible for this too. The amount of moaning and pouting if things aren’t perfect…

      20 hours ago

      Technically stable, polished gameplay, great aesthetics; but there’s no heart. No passion. Everyone involved was just there for the paycheck. It’s routine.

      This is an almost perfect description of modern cinema as well.