• DessertStorms@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    Never going to happen.

    Playing within the rules of a system designed to benefit the rich and powerful will never result in anyone winning but the rich and powerful.

    Incremental changes like this serve to placate the masses and enable the system to continue uninterrupted, if there was any threat of actual interruption, the proposed change would never have even been allowed to reach this point.
    It is people like you buying in to the lie and willing to settle for droplets of piss instead of a steady stream that ensure that we’ll never actually stop being pissed on.

    • Lemdee@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      This is such a juvenile take that I thankfully put down when I grew out of highschool. It’s people like you that make any sort of discourse completely exhausting. You’re suggesting a path that inevitably leads to full on bloody revolution which would result in the deaths of hundreds of thousands in armed conflicts across the country. That’s not even getting into the likely tens of millions that would die due to supply lines of medicine being disrupted, the horrible toll it would take on geopolitics, the power vacuum that invites far worse than the GOP into power. It’s this warped sense of thinking that lets fascists into office because people stop voting against them since they feel it’s pointless when it’s clearly not as this last midterm showed. Michigan is already leaps and bounds better than it was and that’s from a single election cycle. We can change the system without revolution, because we’re already doing it. Go outside, get involved with your local politics, and vote. The changes are already happening.

    • Poggervania@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      Then you also need to look at more than just “wealth cap” and “tax the rich”, because wealth inequality comes from more than just “the rich hoarding everything”. Both of those would help, and it’s a great start, but we need to look at other factors that contribute to the same issues - otherwise, all the money is just gonna stay in another rich crook’s pockets.

      Take modern urban infrastructure. The reason there’s tons of urban sprawl, ghettos, and urban decay in the US, for example, is because of all the shitty laws the US has about parking minimums (the reason why malls need to have large parking lots) and how the auto industry abuses loopholes in environmental standards and laws to allow light trucks (SUVs and the giant pickup trucks) to… well, exist. The US also doesn’t really like doing mixed zoning despite the improved economic performance, and we tend to have huge streets that act like roads - so to basically reach a destination (a street), we have to drive there (like on a road). We can’t really walk or cycle or even use public transit in some areas.

      And all of that is actively contributing to the wealth inequality because it gets incredibly expensive to live near where work is, and in order to afford something that is remotely in the same area, you tend to be pretty far away. Far away enough to require a car that you need to purchase in the first place, so you effectively need to somehow have money before you can consider driving to the place where you can make money. That’s just one tiny aspect of a very big and very problematic picture. Don’t just stop at “DAE THINK WE SHULD TAX DA RICH”, actually advocate to solve the underlying problems themselves so that we can tell our government what to do with all that money.

      • DessertStorms@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        Lmfao, so many words to blame everything but capitalism.

        solve the underlying problems themselves so that we can tell our government what to do with all that money.

        Well, the underlying problem is capitalism, and our governments work for capitalism, so how will addressing a bunch of symptoms of capitalism but not capitalism itself, and continuing to allow our corrupt capitalistic governments to continue deciding how they spend our money (hint: it goes in their and their buddies pockets), going to solve anything???

        You absolutely aren’t as progressive as you like to think you are as long as you refuse to address the actual problem.

        • Poggervania@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          Lmao, so little to say outside of “le capitalism bad”.

          The actual problem is how the US allowed corporate entities to become integrated into the governmental - that’s not capitalism, that’s fucking corruption. You want an actual good example of capitalism done right? Look at the Netherlands - they’re a socialist country, but do have a capitalist economy with a lot of laws to ensure that corporations can’t get away with the shit they can in the US. Their corporations aren’t tied into their governmental systems - whereas the US has unfortunately allowed corporations the power and influence to basically put in and keep people who can be easily bought in power. If you put rich corporate motherfuckers in power, well yeah you’re gonna end up with the shitshow that is the US today. I will say that I wished we re-instated Eisenhower’s income tax in addition to these wealth taxes to really put something on those fuckers.

          So, once again: advocate to change the issues at their core, not just go “lmao eat da rich” because there’s much more nuance that you’re apparently not realizing.