On our own instance no less lmao

Inb4 YoU CaN jUsT bLOcK uSsSSs

  • The Netherlands isn’t a “fascist” country. Wilders’ PVV party is in government with three other parties, none of which are fascist. Before talks could begin they demanded strong protections for the constitution, which the PVV agreed to. They also agreed that the party leaders should not be in the cabinet, which is why Wilders does not hold a position in the cabinet, he’s still effectively a “house member” to use a US parallel. It’s why the current prime minister (Schoof) is a fairly apolitical bureaucrat and a former member of the PvdA, the Dutch Labour party.

    One of the parties in government, NSC, is particularly twitchy about anything remotely fascist or unconstitutional. The initial PVV plan to use emergency powers to stop immigration was shot down by the NSC, and is now off the table. The PVV had to leave most if not all of their anti-Islam policies at the door. They are still fervently anti-immigration, but they’re not working on deportations or anything.

    The PVV in government is basically neutered to just a very right-wing party. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not a good government and I foresee it falling fairly soon, but they’re not fascist and the Netherlands isn’t a fascist country. Claiming it is just demonstrates ignorance of the Dutch political situation.