The “absurd” is usually the whole joke with Far Side. I grew up around cows, too. They’re so dumb and mundane, he plays on that a lot.
When I was a kid, we had a state park near our house. We would go there and there would be these Japanese tourists abandoning their cars to go try to hand feed deer. To me, they’re just a pest that eats our garden. But to the tourists, they were amazed.
I didnt get it until I visited Yellowstone and we abandoned our car to chase a bull moose (which is dangerously dumb, don’t do it.)
The “absurd” is usually the whole joke with Far Side. I grew up around cows, too. They’re so dumb and mundane, he plays on that a lot.
When I was a kid, we had a state park near our house. We would go there and there would be these Japanese tourists abandoning their cars to go try to hand feed deer. To me, they’re just a pest that eats our garden. But to the tourists, they were amazed.
I didnt get it until I visited Yellowstone and we abandoned our car to chase a bull moose (which is dangerously dumb, don’t do it.)