My least favourite day has to be Wednesday because it’s still in the middle of the week, you get two more days to battle through and it just feels like it won’t ever end.

Monday I can deal with because you know it’s only the start, Tuesday it’s meh for me.

Thursday I’m okay cos I’m gearing up for Friday and the weekend.

What about you?

  • 👍Maximum Derek👍
    3 months ago

    I don’t mind Wednesdays ATM because they’re often meeting free. So I can both indulge my need to be distracted and make solid progress on my tickets. That makes the day pass quickly.

    Monday’s are usually shit. My Sunday tends to be busy, then I sleep poorly because my sleeping brain starts anticipating the alarm 3 hours before it goes off, every other week I have 3 meetings before lunch, and usually a todo list left over from Friday that has grown even larger over the weekend.