In the quest for an accurate frequency standard there are many options depending on your budget, but one of the most affordable is an oven controlled crystal oscillator (OCXO). [RF Burns] has a vid…
Goddammit it I spent all day fighting an XO at work and now they’re invading my doomscrolling time, too?
With that complaint out of the way, OCXOs have really good stability over time, but tend to have worse jitter performance than other XOs. Whether or not that matters depends a lot on what you’re doing with it, though.
Goddammit it I spent all day fighting an XO at work and now they’re invading my doomscrolling time, too?
With that complaint out of the way, OCXOs have really good stability over time, but tend to have worse jitter performance than other XOs. Whether or not that matters depends a lot on what you’re doing with it, though.