Rain world (with the downpour dlc) (incredible game)
Just shapes and beats
Binding of Isaac (pretty sure some dlc is required)
Snipperclips plus
Duck game
A hat in time (I haven’t actually played myself but my friends have)
There’s also:
Battleblock theater
Samurai gunn
Human fall flat
Rocket league
Ultimate chicken horse
Enter the gungeon
Almost any fighting game
You can also still play a lot of old couch co-op games through an emulator or get couch co-op mods for newer games (another commenter mentioned Minecraft). There’s a lot of options.
A couple couch co-op games i like personally are:
There’s also:
You can also still play a lot of old couch co-op games through an emulator or get couch co-op mods for newer games (another commenter mentioned Minecraft). There’s a lot of options.