I’ve seen a bit of it around but know nothing about it. I do love large world building with extensive story lines (I really enjoyed the entire Dune series, even the prequels his son wrote). So if I wanted to start reading WH books, where should I start?

  • birdcannon@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    The Infinite and the Divine. Follows two Necrons, but you don’t need to know anything at all about them or 40K beforehand. It’s standalone, but connects with another set of books should you want more. It eases you into the density of the lore, while having the over the top charm we love about 40K.

    Having read I don’t know how many warhammer books at this point I disagree with the Eisenhorn starting point. It’s good, but if you’ve read any sci/fi fantasy novel in the last 20 years then you’ve basically read Eisenhorn, but now it has a 40K paint job. Follows humans, which granted are interesting in the universe, but we’ve read enough about humans check out some immortal space robot mummies instead!