Personally 2024 was ok for me even though I was laid off and unemployed for 6 months. Ok maybe it’s a little shitty.

If we’re in the darkest timeline, what was the last point where it felt there was so much hope and joy in the world?

Some options commonly put out.

  • The day Pokémon Go released July 2016. So prepandemic and we went outside and and a girl told me where to find Weedles. Yep I’m in a videogame

  • The day before 9/11 or when Harambe got killed

  • When Endgame released, culmination of 10 years of marvel moments into a single movie, people cheering in the cinema. Still pre pandemic, maybe there’s a trend here

  • WorldsDumbestMan
    2 months ago

    When I got my first actual Job shortly after my 27th bday EDIT: 2022 December. And was convinced I would turn the company around with my hard work.

    Well, I sure left an impression, but it broke me, as I realized now that I had a job, how much I lost before I got there, and that money won’t fix that. I started getting worse at my job as a result.

    The poor mental health also lead to some poor choice of words on Reddit that got me several suicide care bot messages and a permanent suspension.