Anti-China ghouls once again pondering why a country spends so much money on public spending without making a profit.
Surely there must be some drawback…like half the homes being unfinished and the other half no one is living in! Of course! [citation needed]
At one point in my childhood, unironically, my parents had to squat inside of a unfinished duplex as a in-between for apartments. Mention that and I’ve literally been told the "well, your parents didn’t do X or X (apply for financial assistance like sec8 or snap like we didn’t already, etc) " as a justification for why we went through that. Then I see shit like this about China which is literally false and just scoff.
They have the will to criticize housing programs in China while at the same time ignoring entirely their own home because all the poverty has already been justified here. Same thing happens anywhere else? Well, you see, that’s just because the regime isn’t as amazing and freedom-loving as the U.S and if you deregulate…
I wish it was even limited to just when a bad thing happens in a foreign country; I remember googling to see what the narrative was about why we don’t nationalize our resources and found articles explaining that it’s a tool used by authoritarian dictators to stop people complaining; so doing something to benefit your people is a tool used by people who hate freedom?