Why YSK: It appears several Lemmy Instances are flagged as suspicious and at least 1 instance intentionally using the name of ransomware. A couple of the big enterprise monitoring suites (Fortiguard, ZScaler) will flag your account and may end up with you being pulled into an office for an explanation, or worse.

TL;DR: Keep browsing to your local instance at work for now.

  • inclementimmigrant@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Why in the heck would anyone browse any social media on your company machine?

    That’s the whole reason I left Reddit because it forced me to have to use Reddit on a computer and it’s one of the first things I remind new hires not to use social media on company property, it’s always monitored from keyboard to Internet connection.

    Good lord people…

    • frenchyy94@feddit.de
      1 year ago

      Good thing I live in a country where it’s forbidden (unless everyone approves of it, which if course almost never happens) that they monitor everything.

      Sure internet movement could be looked up but even that needs to be because if a specific reason. They cannot just randomly look up everyone’s browser history.

    • XTornado@lemmy.ml
      1 year ago

      Because it’s fine?

      Yeah some companies might monitor what you do but:

      a) It’s not that common or not that detailed as some people imply it

      b) It’s mostly for detecting malware or breaches, they don’t care about your social stuff.

      c) Most people just check normal stuff in social media nothing to worry even if somebody from works check it

      d) People have downtimes, checking Twitter or similar for a little while it’s not a firing offense…

      e) Most of the time is not checked by anyone except if something flags it. Which again usually is set for malware and breaches not if you spend x time on YouTube or Twitter…

      Yeah…use your phone if you can… But some people are painting this as the end of the world like the untouchable the forbidden fruit.

      • Godric@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Coming from IT:

        A: Disagree; it’s logged, analyzed, and stored in the name of efficiency.

        B: Yes, but also no. Stopping malware is the original idea. But why would a business stop there when they can pressure 2% more time out of you by assigning ametric for everything?

        C: Fair

        D: It is if there’s budget cuts/Boss dislikes you. Leaving evidence of you not working on company time can be an anchor around your neck.

        E: Yes, until no. See D.

        I agree using work internet for personal shit isn’t career suicide, but it just opens the door for shit that isnt needed. Frivolous work internet usage is an example of “Free to those who can afford it, very expensive for those who can’t”.

        Just use Data if you can, or shitpost after your shift