Currently trying to refund the new Indiana Jones game because it’s unplayable without raytracing . My card isn’t even old, it’s just 8GB of VRAM is the absolute minimum apparently so my mobile 3060 is now useless. I miss when I used to be able to play new games in 2014 on my shitty AMD card at 20fps, yeah it didn’t look great but developers still included a very low graphics option for people like me. Now you need to be upgrading every 2 years to keep up.
It’s about 4 years old, which is pretty old for an entry tier card to be running the latest triple AAA titles. My Radeon 7770 was only three years old when The Witcher 3 came out and it couldn’t hit minimum spec. Only two years for AC: Unity but that was especially demanding
I do think now is an awkward time where we’re shifting to new tech that isn’t quite ready for prime time, but it’s never going to be until we shift to it
Yea that’s fair, it’s just hard to think of it being outdated when I paid so much for it. Also it’s the first time I’ve experienced VRAM size being the chokepoint of what I can run, but maybe that’s just the new normal.
Yeah it feels arbitrary, especially given how cheap VRAM is. Common Nvidia L (not that they care given the stacks they’re making with data centers)