Can someone point me to the transphobia / racist information? Or whatever else is being alluded to constantly here. When or where was it posted?

just as I post a comment to the mod thread referencing to such info to ask about it, the thread is locked.

Edit: so far the only thing is 1 retweet of a very obnoxious article praising Richard Dawkins. Surely there is more?

  • amber (she/her)
    3 months ago

    man seriously fuck you. idc if this comment was already removed, i need you to know how disgusting you are. the fact that you feel comfortable enough to admit this and then act indignant when called out on it is just fucking unbelievable to me. or i wish it was unbelievable, but apparently everyone on this fucking website is some ex-klanner piece of shit! you should be ashamed to show your face in public, much less act as though you have any fucking authority on left matters. i don’t care if you’ve supposedly changed, i would never trust someone like you to fight by my side. i have zero faith that you people, the apparent majority of my “comrades”, would not immediately throw me and the people i care about to the wolves if it meant the slightest perceived victory for the western left.