In a groundbreaking achievement for the action role-playing game genre, Path of Exile II has surged to an unprecedented peak of over 500,000 concurrent
Well that’s how poe2 is usually described, i personally have never played any of the souls game so i can’t attest to the similarity. Poe2 is a lot more boss centric.
The dodge roll has its niche: avoid boss mechanics. You can spam it so it doesn’t provide any movement advantage, i think it gives iframes on targeted attacks, but you can still get hit by AOEs. However, because you can’t attack while rolling you want to avoid doing it unless you really need to.
Well that’s how poe2 is usually described, i personally have never played any of the souls game so i can’t attest to the similarity. Poe2 is a lot more boss centric.
The dodge roll has its niche: avoid boss mechanics. You can spam it so it doesn’t provide any movement advantage, i think it gives iframes on targeted attacks, but you can still get hit by AOEs. However, because you can’t attack while rolling you want to avoid doing it unless you really need to.