I understand that BJs are more likely to be given to those with neat manscapes. For this reason, and general aesthetic preference, I’ve been tending to my brambles for some time with varying methods and likewise varying degrees of success.

My best success came from electric clippers to get the rough out of the way and Nair to clean up the remainder. I’ve met with limited success on my scrotum as, being a wrinkly terrain, the electric clippers like to nab bits of my flesh. Nair seems to have trouble with untrimmed hairs though so my solutions so far leave by scrote and bunghole with some lingering strays.

Recently, I decided to just smother the whole everywhere with a thick spread of Nair, after removing the easy bits with electric clippers, and leaving the Nair on for its maximum recommended duration.

This did not work. Aside from the hair that still clings to all my nooks and crannies, I now have a yeast infection…

What is a body to do? Permanent laser treatment runs upward of three thousand dollars, I’m thinking there must be a halfway solution around here somewhere though.

Does the community have any solutions to recommend?

  • southsamurai@sh.itjust.works
    4 months ago

    Okay, be aware that there’s going to be someone butt hurt about what I’m going to cover here. That someone might be you, OP, I dunno how attached you are to your concepts of things. Just be aware going in that I’m giving you the best answer I have, based on a combination of a career in personal care spanning two decades, a little over thirty years of eating pussy, having girls and women suck my dick, and having a gay best friend that I had many conversations about such things with. So I’m not pulling this out of my ass here.

    The first thing you have to accept is that the whole shaved thing is a trend. The second is that it isn’t the best thing to do with your your genital health. The third is that it takes a lot less effort to shave than other forms of genital styling, but way more effort to keep yourself healthy as you shave.

    See, that hair has a role to play. If you choose to get rid of it, you’re also choosing you get rid of its benefits, which includes a healthier, better balanced skin biome. Our bodies, every square centimeter of skin and hair, is covered in microbes. Bacteria, yeasts and fungi, virii, you can’t get rid of them entirely, and you don’t want to.

    If you manage to kill off every microbe on your body, what happens is new ones come in. They’ll be kinds that aren’t what your skin is used to, they’ll have to compete with each other to establish a new balance, and the process of doing so is going to cause rashes and itching and other problems.

    Yeast infections? That’s what happens when the yeast on your body go crazy because something changed that let them out-compete other microbes. That’s it. It isn’t an external infection you picked up somewhere (well, it can be, but usually isn’t). Jock itch is the same thing. So is bacterial vaginosis, which is for people that have vaginas, not penises, but it’s relevant here.

    So, what does that mean in relation to pubic hair and the other hair nearby? Surface area, moisture levels, and air flow. Pubic hair helps keep your junk drier, it keeps things spread out so that there’s a better overall balance to the region, and when you get rid of it, it changes that balance. Also, the process of shaving, waxing, and using depilitory creams causes skin irritation, as well as possibly damaging the skin. Damaging the skin is not good.

    All those microbes all over you? Most of them are no problem on you skin. But in your skin, they become pathogenic. You get infections. Yeah, you’ll sometimes get an infected hair follicle when everything is hairy, but that’s still less of a problem for your body than an infection inside the skin.

    Now, none of that answers your main question, but it’s necessary background to understand why each method is a good or bad option.

    The absolute best option is to not shave, but take better care of your pubic hair. No bullshit, if you ignore the trend aspect brought about by porn and the random whims of fashion (pubic and other body hair fashion changes over decades and centuries), what most people actually dislike about pubic hair is badly maintained pubic hair.

    When your bush is scratchy, harsh, smells a lot (not necessarily bad, just strongly), and there’s a ton of loose hair, nobody wants to suck that dick. But, I promise you, except for people with fetishes and people with OCD or other related issues, a nice, clean bush is going to end up preferable over time.

    That’s because nobody likes getting their face scrubbed raw by stubble, having to deal with dead skin and oils building up in crevices, or the increase in incidence of various infections. Depending on which studies you dig through, incidence of skin issues with shaved pubes is anywhere from twice to five times higher. That depends in exactly which infections are being covered by a given study as well.

    If you wash your crotch regularly, with only gentle soaps like cetaphil, half the problems go away. Most soaps are way too harsh for your balls, pubic mound and taint. And you shouldn’t be using any soap on the penis itself, especially the head. You use water and you r hand, or a soft washcloth. You’ll keep all the microbes under control, not have dead skin left around, and any oils that are left will be the freshest oils. So your junk will smell fresh, but it will smell of flesh instead of soap.

    Keep your pubes free of loose hair. Just finger combing when you’re in the bathroom is enough, and you should be doing a courtesy check on your junk before anyone sucks it anyway. So, knock the loose hair out, clean it up, and (if possible) take a warm washcloth to the area to handle any built up sweat and oil.

    Your pubes will stay softer, which is pleasant thing to encounter. Enough so that when a partner has never had anyone following this advice before, they’ll be anywhere from pleasantly surprised all the way up to verbally complimentary.

    Now, if you absolutely insist, trim it. Stretch out some pubes, get an eyeball of that length, and trim it down to half. That’s long enough to keep benefits, short enough to maintain easily, but not so short it gets bristly.

    If you’re going to ignore all this and shave anyway, give an electric a try first. The kind with the microfoil with holes is better for pubes and balls in specific. You don’t want the shaver cutting the hair below the surface of the skin.

    If that’s not acceptable, then you follow best shaving practices: shave after bathing, or in the shower. It softens hairs and keeps the skin looser (usually, balls can be stubborn that way), and you’ll not be scraping as much dead skin and bacteria into your freshly abraded skin. Shave with the direction of the hair growth, when there is a direction. Never, ever shave against the hair in your groin. It’s bad enough on the face, but the problems it tends to cause down below far outweigh being fractionally smoother. There’s a dozen tips and tricks for shaving in general, plus others for genitals, but it’s just as long as this comment to cover, and a lot of it needs to be shown rather than told, so there’s not much point in it without having the ability to at least speak in real time and exchange images and videos. Which, sorry, I ain’t up for that.

    Don’t use nair, period. It’s too strong for the skin of the genitals and taint. Just don’t. You don’t want chemical burn on your sack, and it is a possibility.

    Waxing is worse than shaving by dint of being a guaranteed way to open up the skin to pathogens. Yeah, usually the rest of your immune system kicks in, but when it doesn’t, helllllooooo genital cysts and abscesses as your body walls off the infection. Boils aplenty when the now irritated follicles get staph into them. Ingrown hairs aplenty! And yeah, sometimes the body gets used to the waxing, as it can with shaving. The problem with that is the skin usually adapts by thickening. And that’s not exactly what you want with the body’s most pleasurable skin, is it?

    But, if you’re going to wax, at least go to a cosmetology place that also does aesthetician services and learn how to do it with the least possible damage to the skin. There’s techniques to it that aren’t intuitive at all. There’s products for it that you wouldn’t think of on your own.

    Hell, if you can afford it, find a place that does it for men. It’s a difficult job even from the outside, doing it yourself is harder. Maybe ask a true bro to help, if cash is too tight for a pro. It ain’t exactly fun, but anyone willing to wax your taint for you is ride or die worthy.

    So, again, it’s your body and your choice. That’s the best information I can give you to help decide what level of tradeoffs you’re willing to make between good genital health and hair presence/length. It’s always a trade-off, you always sacrifice some degree of genital health, no matter what kind of hair removal you do.

    Edit: there are exceptions where the drawbacks can be worth it. However, if you have some medical condition that needs your hair gone, you’d be talking to your doctor, not me. There’s exceptions for patients where cleaning is so much more difficult with hair that shaving becomes the best option, but I kinda doubt you’d fail to mention anything like that, so no point but, if you (or anyone reading this far) do need that kind of care, I’ll try to help get you where you need to be, just be aware that it isn’t usually something you can do yourself if you’re in a condition where shaving would be the best choice in the first place.

    • DarkThoughts@fedia.io
      4 months ago

      In my experience pubes are only scratchy when you trim them. A fully natural bush is rather soft because the tips typically break and thus thin out instead of getting a cut end with sharp edges.

      Personally I feel some form of body dysmorphia from my body hair, and since I have some issues with seborrheic dermatitis (I have to use some special expensive shampoo too) I kinda would have to keep it also off of my chest & armpits, because as soon as the hair comes back it flares up immediately there as well. Unfortunately I’m also extremely prone to ingrowns so shaving makes me look like I have some terrible skin disease - especially in areas where the hair grows more sideways (like below the elbows & knees), where the hair would just continue to grow sideways beneath the skin. lol

    • FatefulPragmatist@lemmynsfw.comOP
      4 months ago

      Thank you for your thorough examination of the subject! I really value this and the education I received here will certainly inform my choice of future grooming!

    • RBWellsV23@lemmynsfw.com
      4 months ago

      I am old enough to remember when shaving all over was a fetish thing. But having been smooth, woah I like it so much better. I got ingrown hairs more leaving it natural, and it was itchier, but my natural hair is quite coarse and curly.

      The skin biome isn’t weak enough to be lost by cutting off the hair, though, right? I’ve shaved my underarms since forever ago and no problems there, and plenty of men are bald or shave their face.

      • southsamurai@sh.itjust.works
        4 months ago

        Well, the biome is going to exist no matter what we do.

        What happens is that the balance shifts. It’s like going from fresh water to brackish to salt. Different fish, fungi, bacteria, plants, etc are going to thrive more in one zone or another.

        Having hair present does the same thing, though the body is going to have different balances in each area as well, just like a lake biome is different from a river.

        Underarms, as a perfect example to compare with the groin, have different conditions. First, air flow accessibility based on clothing. The pits tend to have better air contact. They also tend to dry out faster, partially because of the air access, but also because of the way arms move. When you get a patient that has reduced arm mobility, you start running into some of the same issues groins deal with. It stays damper, so you get more activity from fungi in specific.

        It’s the same when you go to the scalp or face. There’s less variation between shaved and unshaved, but there is a teeny, tiny difference there. And, again, that’s mostly due to the head having more air contact, thus changing which microbes are going to thrive and be dominant.

        It’s all about balances. It doesn’t really matter much what’s dominant in an area as long as it does have competition. It’s just that the groin is better suited to the kinds of microbes that become a problem when that balance is thrown off, and those microbes are also going to have higher concentrations when the hair is gone, making it more likely they’ll get out of balance more often.

      • Imadethis@lemmynsfw.com
        4 months ago

        O.o Do you want research papers and essays? I’m tangentially aware of the skin microbiome (yay, how everything in microbiology is supposed to be related so we all are expected to know what the weird fucking colleagues are doing in those nasty skin crevices instead of clean[ish] brackish water systems that are where the real science happens) and the amount of information on the workings of all the little microbes on your beautiful holobiont is astonishing. Like, the difference between what people think they know about our mutualistic relationships with our symbionts and what is really known is massive. Imagine the difference between the grade school kid who knows we eat food for energy, and the undergrad learning about the Kreb cycle. It’s bigger than that! It’s more like the difference between the neonate on the breast and the senior undergrad studying the enzymes that facilitate the rearrangements of molecules in the Kreb cycle. The sheer amount of control that microbes in your gut and on your skin (and other places too) have on your body boggles the mind. Did you know the microbes in your gut can control your mind?

        If you want some fun, do a quick search on your favorite database for the terms “allergen,” “cockroach,” and “dog.” Then go for “SCFA,” “immune system,” and “Firmicutes.” You can also use “Bacillota” instead of Firmicutes, because people want to be trendy. Go for a deep dive with “breast,” “microbiome,” “milk,” “gut,” and “bottle.”

  • RBWellsV23@lemmynsfw.com
    4 months ago

    Assuming it’s your preference to be smooth, not just doing it for someone else:

    If any salon in your town does manscaping body waxing, waxing is the smoothest growback, and over time the hair gets a little softer and sparser. Nair seems like a terrible idea in such a sensitive area. Professional waxing hurts but over quick, lasts 4-6 weeks, and they are under health department rules.

    If you are just doing this for someone else:

    As a giver -of-blowjobs, I do very much appreciate trimmed short at least, and trimmed short is enough. Run the trimmer or razor last pass in the direction of hair growth so it’s not so rough on your partners’ tender skin.

    Sorry about the yeast, yuck. That sucks.

  • itsathursday@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    A brand new 3+ blade razor does wonders and is easier than you’d think - however it is very temporary and because of this a very seasonal affair.

    When the warmer weather approaches, the naked mole rat shines.

  • Pavidus@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    The best solution I’ve come up with is using an electric trimmer on the pubic area and thighs, and a razor for the meat and potatoes. I have hardly ever run into issues with a razor, despite it sounding scary at first. Also, I chose the electric trimmer on my pubic area, as shaving it just leads to ingrown hairs.

  • pussycello@lemmynsfw.com
    4 months ago

    Ok, as a very hairy guy who loves the shaved look and especially the soft feels, two tips: Buy a electric genital trimmer. These won’t pinch/pinch much less your sensitive areas and provide a very thorough and easy trimming. I have a philips one which is excellent. Then use exfoliating cream afterwards, being careful to make sure you exfoliate every shaved part very nicely. Doing this avoids ingrown hairs and other issues that folks reported, besides making the skin ultra super soft.

    Been doing this for a few months with staggering success. Kinda sucks to shave and exfoliate afterwards, but it works really really well.

  • lazyneet@programming.dev
    4 months ago

    I shave in the shower and use depilatory cream for my ass. The red spots around the pubic area reduce once the skin has habituated to regular shaving.

  • DarkThoughts@fedia.io
    4 months ago

    Laser isn’t permanent. Just like IPL (don’t bother btw) the hair follicle will recover after a while. The only permanent method I’m aware of is electrolysis, but that’s expensive on time and money and requires a specialist.

    • FatefulPragmatist@lemmynsfw.comOP
      4 months ago

      I used the wrong word, I meant electrolysis. The company I “consulted” with told me I’d be buying a lifetime package so that, if ten years down the line some hairs are coming back, I could still come back and get another round of treatment.

    • DarkThoughts@fedia.io
      4 months ago

      You mean the body comb? I feel very doubtful about that thing and its claims to be honest. The skin “shaving” videos I’ve seen looked very slow too and left visible stubble. Could not find any info regarding body shaving with that thing.

      With regular electric trimmers I kept getting pinched and at bad angles cut, and the attachable combs would usually just pinch more hair and leave a lot of hair untouched.

      • deezcashews@lemmynsfw.com
        4 months ago

        I’m telling you, it’s amazing. Grab one on Amazon and return it if you don’t like it, but it hasn’t pinched me once and you don’t have to be careful with it

        • DarkThoughts@fedia.io
          4 months ago

          Can’t really send packages myself, but also eww… I guess I know now where those product reviews come from with the already used and utterly dirty blades. Yuck!

          • deezcashews@lemmynsfw.com
            4 months ago

            Oh you can just drop off Amazon returns at places, it takes like 30 seconds

            I’d like to hope they don’t resell them lol

            • DarkThoughts@fedia.io
              4 months ago

              Not sure what you’re talking about quite frankly. And afaik Amazon usually just weighs the returned packages before re-selling them.

  • dugmeup@lemmynsfw.com
    4 months ago

    Laser. Getting it now. It helps! Permanent Laser is 3k up if you do all the sessions. You don’t need that, just about 3-4. They try to sell you 10+

    If you want to diy you can buy decent ones for home use as well that do a pretty good job. Just don’t overdo it and wind back the intensity so it doesn’t hurt.

    • DarkThoughts@fedia.io
      4 months ago
      1. Laser is not permanent.
      2. You don’t buy lasers for at home, you’re thinking of IPL.
      3. IPL is a sham and also not even close to permanent and more effort than just shaving.
  • sexdrakma@lemmynsfw.com
    4 months ago

    Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) hair removal uses a very bright white light to damage the hair follicles. This will make the hair thinner and finer over time, and theoretically can permanently damage the follicles to remove hair completely. You can buy hand held home devices, though the process is time consuming for large areas like the legs. The procedure I use is to shave, exfoliate, then flash the hairs I want to remove. I’ve used it a few times on everything from my face to my feet and it has helped a lot. Massively reduced my ingrown hairs from shaving and the hairs that aren’t dead are much finer and softer so I can shave them faster and against the grain where I couldn’t before.

    I should note that it doesn’t work well for light hair or low contrast between the hair and the skin.

    For shaving I use a safety razor, one of the fancy ones from Henson Shaving. It basically eliminated my razor burn and the razors stay sharp way longer than the standard multiblade razors. I could shave dry with that thing (slowly).

    • DarkThoughts@fedia.io
      4 months ago

      Don’t bother with this shit. I tried it, it’s garbage and a massive waste of money. I have pale skin and dark hair, so technically the ideal type for it to work, and to an extent it does work, HOWEVER… It literally takes more time and effort than just shaving. I started with slightly more than the recommended amount of doing it every second day. This means a fresh shave on the whole body because you need to have them shaved for the IPL treatment. The IPL treatment itself took me like ~3 hours, excluding the time for shower + shaving before that, in very annoying & uncomfortable positions. It’s extremely exhausting to be quite honest and the light flashes would often trigger my migraines too. I went on like this for a couple months, some weeks longer than recommended, before reducing it, but while the hair growth was a little slower, it was far from hairless for a while. The recommended amount to “maintain” (again, it’s not permanent because you have to keep doing it) it was one every 2-4 weeks as per the manual, but I went down to one every week first as I wanted to make sure. Unfortunately, this was already not enough to maintain it. Spots of hair in various places would grow rapidly again and it became worse and worse over the weeks. At that point I eventually decided to just stop because of how much effort it was. If I have to waste like 9-12 hours per week to maintain this, then I might as well just shave. It did not even help with ingrown hair either because technically the hair is still there, it just grows a little slower and maybe a little finer.

      TLDR: IPL is an overpromising & overly expensive sham.

  • Mickey7@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    If scrotum crevices are an issue, then consider trimming while your cock is erect and your scrotum is naturally smaller and tighter

  • TheCitCatPhone@lemmynsfw.com
    2 months ago

    The Philips lumea is a handheld hair removal laser product. They’re only a couple hundred euros, and are often on sale.

    It’ll be more work, but only temporarily

  • PM_me_ass_n_puss@lemmynsfw.com
    4 months ago

    I personally shave my scrotum regularly, and I do it the old fashioned way. I use scissors to clip the hair when it’s grown over 1cm, then a simple gilette razor. I set up on the bed, over a towel, and use hand to flatten the skin while the other operates the razor. I use soap and water to smooth the shaving process, though shaving cream works too. By going slow, you can get really smooth while limiting irritation, and applying hydrating cream afterwards helps too. Hope this helps you !