• humanspiral@lemmy.ca
    4 hours ago

    Zelensky got elected on the promise of ending nazi paramilitary attacks on Donbas, and implementing the anti-nazi accords, that the west signed with Russia, to provide autonomy for Donbas. As a US puppet benefiting from US bribes and corruption, he needs the extensive nazi rulership hierarchy to conscript Ukrainians for the suicide mission. While German naziism is know for anti-Jewish focus, the real issue in Germany was Zionist betrayal in WW1 to get US to enter the war against Germany, and the universal nazi philosophy is anti-communism (Soviet leaders were Jews. Communist party in Germany was main oppostion until Reichstag fire). While Ukrainian nazis in ww2 were happy to exterminate jews and poles, including death camps, the true passion of Ukrainian nazis is anti-USSR sentiment that has modernized to anti-Russian ethnic views. US neo nazis hate Muslims and Mexicans more than Jews, as demonstrated by their attacks on anti-genocide protests.

    Zelensky needs the nazi power structure to achieve his corruption aims, and to destroy the country. He would be JFK’d in a second if he stopped the national suicide. That imbecilic children think they can shut down “no Ukrainian nazis if country is led by Jew” is yet another cover for nazi support by CIA/empire.