US President Joe Biden traveled to Arizona on Friday where he spoke with members of the Gila River Indian Community, offering a historical apology to Native peoples who suffered a century-and-a-half of unjust federal policies.

    5 months ago

    OK, now do one for being against single payer healthcare when 77% of the US wants it,

    • Do one to Anita Hill for shafting her so you could install Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court, shafting a generation of Americans
    • Do one for all your racist comments over the years,
    • Do one for being “against” elimiating the filibuster.
    • Do one for an entire career being against abortion claiming your catholicisnm forbids it, while conveniently jettisonning catholicism in evey other decision. And then being asleep at the wheel during Roe, how convenient.
    • One for being ‘against’ expanding the supreme court.
    • And a huge one for backing a far right wing genocide which will cost the democrats the election.
    • And one for trying to cut social security 3 times.
    • One for scoring against his own side with this:
    • And one for creating civil asset forfeiture,
    • And one for increasing police funding in response to the defund and reallocate movement

    We’ll have to settle for denying him ice cream in the old folks home, and we really only have ourselves to blame. He’s been a peice of shit for his entire career and no one bothered to call him on it.