AF3IRM are not comrades

Sex Worker Rights and Decolonial Struggle: An open letter to The Red Nation

The Af3irm Agenda

A Timeline of AF3IRM’s Carceral Discourse on Sex Work

“Transphobia Will Not Be Tolerated”: AF3IRM’s Hidden Tolerance for Transmisogyny

And a good comment breaking down these SWERFs podcast eps:

On class traitors:

Dear BootLicker, Esperanza Fonseca

“Cancelled Podcast actually provides a platform to very very Materialist and Women-Protecting comrades, such as….Andrea Heinz, a TERF who works directly with cops.”

"I don’t know how else to explain to people who are supposedly already Marxists that the bourgeois police cannot be used to ‘protect proletarian women.’”

Comrade Brigid, the same one that spread this reactionary anti-sex worker information to a bunch of communist podcasts, came out as a mega TERF after denying it for years:

As for Khara Jabola-Carolus, another guest on these shows, she’s a founder of AF3IRM, which works with bourgeois cops who trap sex workers and incarcerate them and just make their lives harder in general. Here’s a paper she worked on with Dominique Roe-Sepowitz

Dominique works very closely with community groups including the Phoenix Police Department, the Phoenix Prosecutor’s Office and Catholic Charities DIGNITY programs.

[…] Community partnerships for developing new knowledge about sex trafficking include the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, the Phoenix Police Department, and the Tucson Police Departments.

This article talks about how Dominique Roe-Sepowitz set up police stings of sex workers

Here’s more on Project Rose

You can find more articles if you google “project rose sex work”

Like this

Here’s Khara Jabola-Carolus bragging about her research being used to open a new sex trafficking treatment facility in Hawai’i, ran by Ho‘ola Na Pua a non-profit that regularly collaborates with law enforcement

More on this

i think about this a lot. sex workers are on the ground, we don’t have time to craft the propaganda that af3irm and the antis get funneled with $ to create bc we have our backs against the wall & aren’t given support. this is why i beg leftists to look past the flowery language and look at what they are doing af3irm and these anti trafficking orgs are doing nothing but giving police more $ and power, sex workers are on the ground helping our kin with limited funds. academics and theorists on this app can sit up and write thread upon thread on why johns are the worst people on this world when you’re in the industry (it’s actually the cops & ice) and we have to play defense every single time, it’s tiring. but i just want to remind y’all that these anti groups are just propaganda machines, they are not producing any results for the people on the ground, despite all the $ and attention they receive. they are succeeding however in getting ppl who call themselves communists to believe. to believe that spreading this propaganda is doing anything but making the bed for more criminalization and money for cops like what has happened in texas and they are trying to pass in hawaii.

  • Thylacine [any]
    2 years ago

    I had already basically stopped listening to Rev Left by that point but seeing him just double down and be shitty to people pointing out how they were awful people to have on his podcast really made me never want to listen to him again. Like this was already after he had Black Hammer on and then they were shown to be a fuckin antisemitic cult, maybe you don’t need to platform any random asshole who claims to be a leftist? I feel like there was even a third time he did an episode with someone shitty but I don’t remember now.

  • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
    2 years ago

    AF3IRM and AF3IRM-adjacent accounts always give me patsoc vibes. I guess it shouldn’t be surprising they would be up to some reactionary bullshit.

    Edit: I went on Brigid’s Linktree and dat first link tho. CW: misogynist bullshit:

    If the police were to march into a working class community to take away the pregnant women to a hospital and force them to undergo an abortion, everyone would be up in arms over this outrage. Yet when the ruling class sets things up economically to have the same effect, many so-called leftists even encourage this outrage. Marxists have always recognized that the economics of capitalism is the major force oppressing the working class; the police and military power is only secondary. The economics of capitalism right now is forcing millions of working class families to undergo abortions to exterminate their future offspring. Far from a step toward the liberation of women, this is another horrible oppressive chain around our necks.

    Add it up for working class families, especially those on welfare, having another child under capitalism can be a financial catastrophe. When the ruling class makes abortion easy and cheap, relative to childbirth, what do we have – forced abortion. Free abortion is nothing less than the planned extermination of much of our future class. Under these conditions abortion is no more voluntary than working in an unsafe auto plant is voluntary.

    The abortion movement and the Trotskyites who lead it, by representing abortion as the first step in liberating women, end up blaming a) a woman’s biological functions and b) children as the things that oppress women rather than rotten social conditions, male chauvinism and bad personal, and family relations that are caused by the capitalist system. It’s another blame-the-victim outlook. Babies don’t oppress women nor does the fact that they must bear them; the society that makes what should be a happy and welcome event a burden is the enemy.

    The most far-seeing and class-conscious elements in the ruling class are the ones pushing abortion and population control today. When the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations, the Canadian International Development Agency, the U.S. Government and Supreme Court start pushing the same thing as a so-called “progressive movement”, those who support the demand had better start asking some questions. After all these are the same forces who slaughtered millions of Vietnamese “for their own good.” These men are far more dangerous to the working class than the so-called “back-street butchers.”

    Capitalist men and women control their own bodies; working men and women sell their bodies to the capitalists for a specified period of time. The ability to obtain an abortion has nothing to do with this. This is elementary Marxism.

    Free abortions is one of the main tenets of Zero Population Growth. Marx long ago refuted Malthus, the godfather of ZPG, but the capitalists continue to spew this racist filth. Much more must be done to bury this reactionary philosophy. Now more than ever the ruling class claims there are too many people. We say there are too many capitalists but by no means enough workers. Even after the Revolution, our class should continue to grow; each succeeding generation should be larger and more vigorous, ready and able to change what it does not like about the old world. Population stagnation, like in Hungary where abortions today outnumber live births 1.3 to 1, will lead to dec*dence and capitalist restoration.

    With feminists like these, who needs misogynists?