I’ll start. My girlfriend’s cat never purrs or does the “baking biscuits” thing even when he is clearly enjoying the cuddles.

  • Hikermick@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    When my little terrier/chihuahua mix was a puppy she would give me a “hug” first thing In the morning. I’d sit up in bed and say “time to go to work” and she would put her front paws around my neck and press her face against mine. She eventually would do it on command. Then she had surgery to correct a luxating patella (knee cap pops out of place) and never did it again.

    She also used to drag herself across the carpet with her front legs, back legs dragging behind her. We would call it “swimming”.

    Being part terrier she is very smart but also stubborn. When our senior dog passed, I taught her lots of tricks. One trick was to ring a bell when she wanted to go outside. I rigged up a donut shapped toy she could paw that was attached to a spring with a bell on it. She refused to ring it. I know she knew what to do, she just refused. When she wanted a treat she would paw the cabinet just like I taught her to paw the bell/toy. Eventually I gave up. Fast forward to a year later. We get another puppy and as soon as I try to teach new dog how to ring the bell she runs over and slams it. From that point on she slams the bell ten times a day.