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“Our whole country will end up being like Detroit if she’s your president. You’re going to have a mess on your hands,” Trump said.
While standing in Detroit… Lmao.
He should have continued with a “you people” comment so he could seal the deal.
He insults America while in America almost every day. His followers always know he means the non-white and non-male parts.
This is classic republican style speech/base-rousing. ‘[insert city/state/region/country here] is terrible, it was once so much better, but now it’s horrible. It’s not you [insert crowd euphemism here] here, it’s all those damn [insert boogeyman euphemism of choice here] coming in and ruining things! We’ve gotta take back the city/state/region/country!’
It’s exactly what old what’s-his-face did with the Haitians and dogs, the ‘illegal’ settlement in Texas, etc. Trump and his team are just so stupid because they take it so far that even the republican politicians in those areas look at them with stupefied expressions and correct the record.
They don’t seem stupid to half the country unfortunately.
Said a Detroit MAGA voter, “oh my god, Trump pissed on me!!!”
Man, Trump chose someone from Ohio to be his running mate. I mean come on, the one thing Michiganders can agree on is that we hate Ohio - red or blue. Why would you want to elevate someone from Ohio as VP?
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I love geography and boy oh boy was I excited to visually confirm that Ohio is indeed The Sweaty Ass Crack of America®!
I got carried away drawing the rest of the
humancreatureAmerican specimen. Thoughts on better knuckle placement?This implies that certain parts of Canada ride on America’s asscheeks, which seems accurate enough really.
Also both of America’s feet are always being attacked by hurricanes so that’s something
Windsor, Canada is definitely one of Americas sweaty ass cheeks
Lmao! Moved to Ohio for a bit. Met someone from Michigan, who then totally hated on me for being a Buckeye, was totally baffled at the time. Glad to see it’s still going. I’ve always assumed, sports?
Cold war from when Ohio invaded Michigan’s land and got the president to back their claim over it. Federal government ended up letting Ohio keep it and giving Michigan the upper peninsula in exchange.
“The Toledo War” for anyone wanting to look this up
Ohio State and University of Michigan are football rivals. It was always awkward because my grandpa was a most of life Ohioan who went to UofM for grad school and hoo boy did people not like when he displayed his Alma mater gear. I think they once caught a drunk person pissing on his car…
But it’s also kinda just that we’re neighbors with a lot in common. Oh and we once had a war. But mostly it’s that we’re neighbors and it never really feels like punching down (Indiana and Kentucky) or above our weight (Pennsylvania)
I’m a Republican who Does His Own Research and I was there and this is FAKE NEWS! I Saw him say this and he DIDNT say this!
You’re getting good at this
i listened to some clips from this appearance. he sounded a bit subdued… like he’s been beaten and whipped, and hasn’t had his nap or his ‘pick-me-ups’ today.
Thats just ol’ Drowsy Don
Stimulants and other drugs will only work for so long. Eventually, even bigger doses won’t help, and there might be a whipsplash effect at some point.
Yeah, one of the differences between how stimulants work as a treatment for conditions like adhd vs as a pick me up is that. Tolerance is a minor annoyance when it’s there to mess with your neurochemistry, but as a “go drug” eventually you’ve gotta pay up. Nothing is free when it comes to using drugs to enhance beyond normal, and the further you go the more debt you accrue.
Don doesn’t care for the reason that they make him feel good. Those around him don’t care because all he has to do, is survive long enough to get into office. Then they’ll be hoping he kicks the bucket so they can all take over.
Trump could see a family of his supporters, shoot the child, and the family will love him more. This man can do no wrong and won’t do anything wrong in their eyes.
Detroit airport was very nice last time I went through. I really wish I had time to leave the airport. Next time I’m gonna stop a bit longer.
I’m a Detroiter. Born here and I’ve lived a lot of places, but Detroit has the most genuinely kind people you will ever meet. Detroit is a cool city in beautiful state. Fuck Ohio.
Ohioan here. You’re not wrong. Sorry about JD Vance.
Don’t forget about Gym Jordan you asshole!
Ohio is like our little brother. It’s fun to pick on you, but down deep we love you.
That’s the thing I think people don’t get (including some of our own) this hatred is supposed to be teasing. Michigan is lovely even if some of my relatives would die before admitting it. Y’all’ve had your troubles as have we, and I actually point to y’all as where I’d like our state to get closer to. You seem to really be pulling out of the rust belt spiral.
We’re on our way.
That’s what matters. We’re still gonna give you shit from below your southern border, but having seen places like Dayton stay devastated by the death of the rust belt, places like Detroit and Cleveland going from national jokes to getting better is amazing
The twin cities is by far the nicest metro area in the country. Went there to watch a football game against the Vikings, and compared to KC? Honestly a shame we couldn’t delete KC, and copy/paste Minneapolis over KC. In a Denver jersey, I was treated better in the twin cities than in Denver. It was so wild. We won the game and I got several dozen compliments, they were so nice that it put me in a better mood and made me nicer. I can’t say enough good things about the people of Minnesota.
Twin cities is MN not MI. Man our country has way to many M states that feel like any abbreviation could be for another
No I know, I veered off because OP said detroiters are the nicest people. I’ve been there once and not really long enough to judge the people of Detroit one way or another. But it was just a chance to remind people how great the people of Minnesota are. I’ve been there a million times and I don’t know what it is but it makes me fall in love every time. It’s definitely not the best view or most warm but the best thing about Minnesota is it’s people.
I definitely agree. I moved to outer Detroit a few years ago and was surprised with how nice everybody is.
I’m guessing Ferndale.
Detroit’s a shithole. I hear lovely things, but it’s just Cleveland but worse.
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Does it still have that cool underground tunnel lit in all those colors?
Yes, it connects concourse A and B/C in the Delta (McNamara) terminal
I think you’re thinking of O’Hare in Chicago.
Detroit has crazy light show tunnel in their airport. I don’t know about Chicago, but can confirm Detroit.
They don’t tone it down at night either. Going through there at 3AM after a long flight is complete sensory overload.
Ah cool. It’s been many years since I’ve been to that airport.
O’Hare can be demolished by a hurricane of piss for all I care.
I don’t remember that. I remember it being very Motown themed and actually having decent facilities with good reasonably priced food.
Does it still have that cool underground tunnel lit in all those colors?
It does.
How did i miss that shit?
You only use that if you need to go from concourse A to B/C which is mostly used for regional flights
That would make sense since the only time I’ve flown through Detroit was to my brother’s tiny regional airport in PA
Yeah it’s my favorite airport! Clean, quiet, dope train
He knows his voter base has net zero self-respect
the Lions are headed to the Super Bowl
Woah woah woah there, Mr. Mayor. Let’s let the season play out before we get to big for our britches.
If the Lions win the Superbowl, we’ll take Kid Rock and Ted Nugent back.
Hey now that’s an awful big group decision you just made for everyone in Michigan
They will die of syphilis soon anyway
I’m sure people were saying that about Trump 30 years ago.
Ok, but they have to be held in a 3ft by 4ft cell with Jefferson Starship’s We Built This City constantly piped in.
Now now, while that might seem the perfect solution, we can’t violate the Geneva convention.
The Geneva convention doesn’t say anything about that song. So it’s all good. Right?
Actually, I think it probably does specify that particular song . . .
Well, it’s a convention and not a hard and fast rule, anyway.
I think if you just used a 3 second clip on loop that should pass constitutional muster.
Meh, it’s never a war crime the first time. Go for it.
Why reward them?
This is the fantasy football trading I’m here for.
The mouth breathers won’t care
I spent a weekend in Detroit on vacation. It was nice! I loved the Ford museum.
Amazing. No notes needed.
And the “…” wasn’t even me editing the headline, that was in the original headline
That man’s potato is mashed.
Stockholm syndrome campaign strategy
Yet some there who are offended will still vote for him. There is no hope of getting stupid people to change.