Where are my fellow spain haters?

I see a lot of hate here for the french and british which is valid of course but no one ever talks about spain. I’ve been learning a lot about colonialism in the Americas and honestly I wanna go back in time so I can strangle hernan cortez to death with my bare hands. I have shed genuine tears for people who lived centuries before me. I cannot die at peace knowing spain still exists.

This was supposed to be a sorta joke sorta serious post but I’m deciding to expand on the serious bit.

emotion dump

The more I learn about history the angrier I get about the state of the world. It’s incredible that it has come to this. How have we not gotten past this? It’s the same shit over and over with a different face, how do most people not see this? I feel so incredibly powerless to even begin to approach changing the problems I see in our world. Hell I feel powerless to affect even smaller local issues. Sitting here and watching the slaughter and abuse perpetrated by our ruling class is sickening but what am I to do really? So I sit in my room and shake with rage, I sob for people I can never even meet and everyday that pressure in my chest grows. I feel this insatiable desire to do something but there is genuinely so little I can do where I am. Reading helps I find, developing myself political helps me feel like I am atleast doing something, not just pretending these problems don’t exist like I see so many others doing. I find though, that reading history has the opposite effect. It’s cathartic in that I can let out those awful turbulent emotions through my empathy with different subjugated peoples and my anger at their oppressors. I can let these emotions fill me so that I may understand them better and fuel my revolutionary spirit. This was true in the beginning at least. These days however, its just depressing and awful. I come out of these journeys into the past wondering if things will ever change when they have gone on like this for so long. Will I ever see the world I dream of? Will the slaughter ever end? Idk really, no one ever does I suppose. I smoke a lot more these days.

I know many of you here are likely more educated than me on both history and theory so I ask. How do y’all cope? How do you maintain hope?

Shit genuinely has me like

  • merthyr1831@lemmy.ml
    15 days ago

    Spain gets a pass only because there are so many horrible countries in Europe that let it hide in the crossfire.

    France: racist post-colonial nuclear power with a neoliberal fash-baiter running the show

    Germany: trying to revive the Nazi legacy is half a dozen countries at once

    Italy: Run by the granddaughter of Nazi sympathisers

    UK: [the horrors]

    And that’s only the ones I could be bothered to list. Not that Spain isn’t worthy of joining them but there’s more than a few targets for hate when it comes to fucking awful European powers.