I thought there was an 18th episode this week, but am now remembering there was a prologue episode I didn’t watch. I really enjoyed it; It just kept getting better and better, but now I’m sad with loss.
I saw it mentioned in a comment here and since people here have an unusually good taste in media, I checked it out.
Great great great series. I was super impressed by the whole thing, the themes, the characters are realistic and down to earth, and my god was it topical in so many different ways.
Same! I regularly go through some of the anime rec posts around here when I’m looking for something to unwind with.
Yeah, it was really all over the place in the topics they covered and ways of doing so. NGL there were a couple of episodes that really threw me off where I was wondering where they were going with it and then they brought it back around. Which is why it really threw me off expecting another episode after the 17th. The last episode felt so final but wikipedia said there was 18!
Started watching it last nite because of mentions on here. First few episodes are good and I’ll definitely finish it thanks.
Awesome! Welcome, hope you enjoy it!
I want to do an effortpost about the show but I’m also lazy so
Lol, that’s basically how we got this post.😅