Donald Trump said in an interview released on Sunday that he did not think he would run for president again in 2028 if he loses this year’s race for the White House.

In an interview on the Full Measure television show with Sharyl Attkisson, the former US president – who ran in 2016 and 2020 – was asked whether he saw himself running yet again in four years time.

“No, I don’t,” Trump answered. “I don’t see that at all.”

He said: “Hopefully, we’re going to be successful.”

    141 hour ago

    He also said he’d “disappear” if he lost the 2020 election. At this rate the only way we will stop hearing about him is when he dies, and yet Im sure once we are rid of his existence, the deranged cultists will continue to believe he still stalks the earthly realm.

      218 minutes ago

      You know someone already has a AI trained on all his speeches and body language. There will be so many deep fans out there after his death it’ll be like all the Binladen videos that were found of him before seal team 6 found him.

      I imagine the SI videos will all have a simple background of an obvious bathroom wall, where you can tell he’s on the shitter, all the low flow toilet talk will set the location. A bucket KCF next to him with a diet Coke he will do all his greatest hits, the wall, hillary, biden, his dick, how smart he is bc his uncle was a Professor at MIT, he is treated unfairly, ect, ect.

    239 minutes ago

    That’s what he said last time. Only two things will actually stop him: the death of the Republican Party or his own

    536 hours ago

    Hopefully he won’t be alive by then.

    Otherwise, I’d trust him keeping his word on this as much as I’d trust him in general: not at all

    286 hours ago

    Considering his mental decline in the last four years, in 2028, he will only be able to get on a stage and shit himself. And people will still vote for him.

    • Sabata
      32 hours ago

      He can do that today, and it would be the most pleasant thing to ever come out of him on stage.

      12 hours ago

      His voters will vote for him even if he was dead and mummified. A Trump holographic AI could probably have a chance in 2028!

      115 hours ago

      Considering his mental decline in the last four years, in 2028 2024, he will only be able to get on a stage and shit himself. And people will still vote for him.


    11810 hours ago

    Well he definitely said that in 2020, and if someone had had the foresight to ask him in 2016 he probably would have said it then as well, so I’m going to go ahead and be a little skeptical here.

      198 hours ago

      Well, yes. Trump Lies. We all know that. One can only hope that his ongoing mental breakdown will be clearly visible by them even to the hardcore fans of him.

        65 hours ago

        hope that his ongoing mental breakdown will be clearly visible by them

        it doesn’t matter what’s “visible” when your entire reality is fabricated by trump, fox news, and your safe space private far-right facebook group

          43 hours ago

          Well, if he continues on the current slope, Trump will not be able to fabricate anything much longer. Even Fox “News” has problems loving him anymore. The third “piller of reality” will take a bit longer to fall, true.

        • kate
          22 hours ago

          If he wins it’s two terms and he also won’t run again?

            149 minutes ago

            Is there any past comment or behavior that would suggest Trump wouldn’t run for a third term, if given the chance?

            • kate
              143 minutes ago

              I suppose it’s possible, with 4 years of unchecked power and the project 2025 guys working for him they might be able to figure it out :/

      139 hours ago

      Honestly this election is clearly taking a toll on him, and in four more years that unhealthy lifestyle might have caught up with him

    7910 hours ago

    He also said he wouldn’t run again if he lost to Biden 4 years ago. Why does anyone believe a single word that comes out of his shithole of a mouth?

      239 minutes ago

      Because he thinks he won and the election was stolen, not that he lost to Biden. (I wish I could put a /s on this, but I think it may be too close to the truth)

      • Honestly I think that if he lost the election, and was incarcerated even under home arrest with no access to his fans, he would more or less immediately become irrelevant, and he would grow frail very quickly.

        Imagine how miserable that would be for him. His own personal hell.

      269 hours ago

      From indisputably natural causes. I would love for the martyrdom and conspiracy theories to be optimally minimized. Cultists do scary shit to the general population, and I’d rather that they just get bored and move on to the next grift to be victimized by since they’re clearly not interested in not being targeted rubes. The persecution complex is an inherent chunk of their entire identity.

        46 hours ago

        From indisputably natural causes. I would love for the martyrdom and conspiracy theories to be optimally minimized

        Unfortunately, the most likely one is a heart attack caused by his 8 decades of unhealthy living finally catching up with him and since there’s TONS of things that can cause a heart attack, the cult would DEFINITELY declare foul play.

        Also, if anything that can’t be induced kills him, they’re just gonna figuratively stick their fingers in their ears and make up another cause of death that fits their narrative of him being a martyr murdered by the Deep State because he was a threat. Heads they believe it’s murder, tails they don’t believe it isn’t murder.

        What would be ideal would be for him to suffer a debilitating stroke or something else that leaves him so enfeebled that even the cult can’t pretend that he’s almighty. Preferably some time before the election.

        Not something I’d wish on basically anyone else, but that monster has shed any pretense of human compassion and self-awareness decades ago, so fuck him with a rusty rail spike.

          2 hours ago

          Yeah, Scalia died peacefully in his sleep, and there were tons of conspiracy theories about it. The kind of theories that allowed Mitch McConnell to have the political capital to hold open the position until Trump was in office.

      • FuglyDuck
        108 hours ago

        I want him to cark it on stage from something like getting struck by lightning.

        I also wonder if the secret service would notice if I snuck some giant tesla coils onto his rally stage. maybe a big red button on the podium that flips them back on?

          32 hours ago

          The most poetic death for trump would be to suffer a stroke at one of his rallies. The stroke hits and he begins to mix up words and blather nonsense. He can sense something is wrong but his bigly words are not working, he tries to tell his faithful what’s happening.

          The meschia and windmilths are shooo shlaaaaad

          He slurs out, those weren’t the words he wanted, but with neurons misfiring the most used pathways are trying to help. He spends minutes, all recorded for history, dying in front of his bored onlookers unable to ask for help. His years of word salad and lies have finally achieved an awful goal, no one can tell his brain is broken. For this boy that cried wolf a million times, finally the fangs of an enemy he can’t bully or bribe have sunk in deep, years of kfc fried chicken grease now blocking bloodflow to his brain.

          It’s only been a few minutes, the crowd awaits some applause or laugh line, but for trump the time feels like an eternity. The pain is increasing, the fear all consuming, he collapses and dies there.

          A fitting end to the man whose greatest fear was that people would realize his weird incoherent ramblings were a con.

          • FuglyDuck
            42 hours ago

            That’s one way, yes

            Personally. The one he deserves is a death in prison, living long enough to see himself forgotten by the world at large.

            Ignored, remembered only as a bad taste in one’s mouth, and by history teachers who take a day to mention how awful he was, before moving on to the red scare or something.

    1210 hours ago

    Speaking of… The guy who hired the truck with ‘LOSER’ emblazoned on its side to patrol the white house in 2019, how do I get in on that action this time round, say, in Florida?

    • @ouRKaoS
      1310 hours ago

      I’d much rather chip in to get a billboard that says “Ha Hah!” That’s visible from his prison cell.