Conservative student supports capitalism… until it’s applied to his GPA (he has to pay 15,000$ per additional 0.1 score and it’s first come first serve, supply is finite)
: “Look folks, I just need a small loan of a million dollars. America never had a president with a 5.0 GPA. Even Lincoln had maybe a 4 or 3”
(For those not in the US, Lincoln was mostly self-educated, having less than 12 months of formal schooling, yet received an honorary doctorate.)
based conservative
i mean, that was the most obvious sign of a premium bait
I mean, I know people that literally think that’s how socialism works
I’d honestly be more interested in watching scarecrows in a field for ten minutes. At least those strawmen aren’t unbearably smug.
The most important mean of production: GPA
But I thought that socialism was when you went around massacring millions of innocents for no reason. How do you apply that to a GPA?
Socialism is when you share stuff
A traditional family shares the same house
Therefore the traditional family is socialist
Checkmate cuckservatives
Ah yeah an economic system can definitely be applied to something that has nothing to do with economics
Conservatives are dipshits and the epitome of the Dunning-Kruger effect
That’s a glowie