I was curious to hear what people think of the telecom breakup into chorus (and wasn’t there a third party as well?) after all these years?

I was working there at the time, so some of the staff training was entertaining. I felt like they seemed to be on board with the general thrust of the changes, which I was a little surprised about (I expected a little more lip-service, I guess?)

Has it been a good change? I feel like the national fibre has been great but that’s not actually related (but may have relied on the breakup as a precursor?)

  • deadbeef79000@lemmy.nz
    29 days ago

    The Spark/Chorus breakup has been great.

    Interestingly the changes internally is great too (I didn’t work there but in a tangential business). When there is vertical integration like in old Telecom lots of good business opportunities are abandoned to preserve business activity in other areas.

    With separation, that conflict of interest disappears.

    E.g. telecom wouldn’t roll out fibre to the home because it directly completes with their entrenched copper line retail business.