The terrorists are entirely justified in their violent resistance against the obviously evil and genocidal Britannian empire, which is something of a stand in for both the British Empire and the US.

The annoying liberal deuteragonist bumbles around for 2/3 of the show being a supersoldier for the Britannian Empire while constantly making these bizarre self righteous arguments that Lelouch’s rebellion is just too darn mean and violent, we have to support the Britannian Empire’s rule of law just a while longer guys! The longer this goes on, the more and more his world view crumbles around him as basically nothing goes to plan for this liberal who is just incapable of grappling with material reality. He ends up following his sense of liberal morality all the way to accidentally killing millions with a Britannian wunderwaffe nuke. This leads him on his jokerification arc wherein he realizes the error of his ways and actually supports Lelouch through the batshit last few episodes of this show.

Anyway, I can’t recommend this show to anyone in year of our lord 2024 because it’s obnoxiously, embarrassingly horny in a very mid 2000s anime way, because that’s exactly what it is. But I’m imagining what could have been.

    • cosecantphi [he/him]@hexbear.netOP
      1 month ago

      I thought the supernatural EoE-esque human instrumentality project ass shit King Charles was working on with his brother and wife came to a great conclusion and served the story pretty well in that regard.

      Like Lelouch spends most of the anime with one of his leading motivations being finding his mother’s killer and taking revenge. But in what was meant to be his climactic showdown with his father, he finds his mother is actually still alive, her soul in some trippy subspace connected to the thought elevator by her geass ability. She reveals she’s totally into this “slaying god” shit King Charles (who is now immortal btw) and his brother were doing. Lelouch’s parents then drone on and on about how actually we had to exile you and Nunnally while ruling Britannia as a racist, genocidal empire built on the backs of subjugated colonies, those we’re just the conditions we needed to wield the Sword of Akasha! (the helical structure seen stabbing into the planet Jupiter). They claim this will kill the capability for deceit in human nature (???) thereby allowing the collective dead to all commune with the living (???) in an unchanging, perfect world frozen around the current status quo in terms of social structure (???)

      Lelouch correctly rejects all of this out of hand for the nonsense it is. The supposedly good intentions of his parents buried this deep in metaphysical fascist nonsense are meaningless. In rejection of everything his parents believed and worked toward, Lelouch uses his Geass to request god not halt the march of time. God responds by erasing the immortal King Charles and his wife Marianne. Everything falls apart for them in an almost comical way, starting with the sword toppling over and falling away from Jupiter, and the subspace itself becomes unstable. King Charles dies, evaporating away in shocked disbelief, having previously demonstrated himself immortal. Marianne calls Lelouch an ungrateful child before she too disappears into a puff of smoke. I thought this was such a great twist to take the mystery of Lelouch’s mother, and it was a great way to tie up a lot of the lore threads before moving onto Lelouch’s confrontation with his older brother.

        30 days ago

        I think that kinda reflect the core message of the show, which is pretty libby, though. “society is bad because of bad people, and you can totally just simply wish them away”. At the end of the day, all evils can be fixed by magic. From the imperialistic empire, monarchism, fascism, capitalism and classism can be fixed by just magic them away with your command. It smell a lot like the liberal enlightenment centrist idea that everyone but them are know the truth and that the truth will destroy every opposition regardless of material conditions.

        Even before that, Lelouch’s comrades who is a pretty mixed group of different nationality just give up on him when he lost his mask and reveal that he had been a Britannian prince all along. Sure there were other mistakes that he made that lead to a bunch of genocide and loses before that, but I don’t remember his comrades (outside of Kallen, his lover) even let him explain. This spoke lowly of the capability of revolutions and freedom movements by showing them as a bunch of morons who are just led by conman that’s just one revelation away from getting lynched.

        • cosecantphi [he/him]@hexbear.netOP
          29 days ago

          I think that kinda reflect the core message of the show, which is pretty libby, though. “society is bad because of bad people, and you can totally just simply wish them away”.

          See, I disagree because the events I described in my comment are not actually the conclusion of the show. Nothing is inherently solved by the death of King Charles. What killing King Charles actually accomplishes is that merely Lelouch has one less enemy so he can focus on stopping his brother Schneizel, who represents a much more competent threat than his father did, one with the connections to build the Sword of Damocles. Lelouch does ultimately use his geass to neutralize Schneizel, but he is only in a position to do so because a war is fought that spills an unfathomable sea of blood, and that is where the big shift in power structure comes from that allows for the effective revolution we see toward the end.

          Now, the very existence of geass magic fundamentally divorces the world of Code Geass from ours, but I thought the Black Knight reaction to Zero’s identity and the power of Geass made a lot of sense. Learning about the very existence of geass is such a mind fuck because being put under the command of Lelouch’s geass is an extremely gross violation of bodily autonomy. It’s a serious crime to use it in such a way that isn’t directly advancing the goal of the proletariat in class war. Lelouch’s identity as a Britannian prince isn’t what necessarily loses him the support of his comrades, it’s his ability to violate people in such a way with absolutely zero accountability or oversight. They also learn that Euphemia’s massacre of the Japanese people was orchestrated entirely by geass, Lelouch never tells anyone but CC that it was an accident.

          They all start to question whether their very involvement in the resistance is their own will or not. Kallen is the only member of the Black Knights to give Lelouch a chance because she is the only one who knows him personally enough to continue trusting him. Which is ironic because Lelouch did in fact use his geass on her previously, as minor an order it was.

            29 days ago

            What killing King Charles actually accomplishes is that merely Lelouch has one less enemy so he can focus on stopping his brother Schneizel, who represents a much more competent threat than his father did, one with the connections to build the Sword of Damocles…

            There is two problems with this conflict though. Firstly, the way that Lelouch built a resistance against his brother was not to win back his old allies and prove to them his trust worthiness, but by magically flip the whole chessboard and turn every Britannian into a mind slave willingly do his bidding. That sounds exactly like liberal fantasy fixing the system and transform it into a force for good. Secondly, Schneizel also did a board flip and get everyone on the rebel group to support him as their leader for a war which essentially is just a fight for the throne of the world. The rebel even complicit in a nuclear first strike attack on the Britannian capital which have unknown number of civilian in it.

            Now, the very existence of geass magic fundamentally divorces the world of Code Geass from ours, but I thought the Black Knight reaction to Zero’s identity and the power of Geass made a lot of sense…

            This plot point however shine the spot light on the structural problem of the whole rebels. They are just a bunch of people with no unified ideology that can let them look pass the fear of the power of geass to even offer Lelouch a chance to explain himself. They don’t even offer him a real trial before trying to gun him down in cold blood. While I’m sure there are many example in real life where people flipped out and assassinated their political leaders for less. The story decision here to let Lelouch be saved not by the quality of his ideology, or any of his policies but just purely because another broken and exploited character clung onto him and bailed him out with their life speak a lot for the quality of the rebels leadership and ideology.

            That’s my main problem with Code Geass to be honest. Overall, it’s an entertaining show with the facade of anti-colonialism, anti-imperialism, pretty twisting story line and some awesome mecha battle. However, the show stop short of offering any true solutions to the problems and instead just outright prescript great person theory and enlightenment dictatorship to imperialism. It doesn’t even have any representation for communism, anarchism or any more leftist groups. Instead, we had an imperial capitalist monarchism vs a bunch of nationalist monarchist of a different religion vs some liberal democracies in the background.

            • cosecantphi [he/him]@hexbear.netOP
              29 days ago

              I agree the show, especially toward the end, is definitely no kind of masterpiece, and many of the plot points are definitely really dumb, just in a very entertaining way. You’re correct that the fact that Lelouch almost died because his cadres didn’t have a real shared ideology that would allow for them to have any kind of faith or respect in his leadership doesn’t quite work as a criticism of exactly that kind of organization when Lelouch uses his geass to win anyway by mind controlling the remainder of the Britannian Empire’s armed forces.

              My being impressed at this show mainly comes from the mere fact that it’s very explicitly and wholeheartedly endorsing violent resistance against US coded imperialism. I feel as if that’s rare from popular media, especially back when it released. It neglects to take a specific political stance, but it’s absolutely anti-imperialist, even if just being that is a low bar to clear. The rest is mostly very fun but harmless anime slop apart from the parts I criticized in the OP.

  • WhyEssEff [she/her]
    1 month ago

    one of my friends is absolutely convinced it is a LaRouchite anime and I’m intrigued as to what their actual analysis of it is, besides the Lelouch-LaRouche homophone

  • ChestRockwell [comrade/them, any]
    1 month ago

    This user’s post is not Cheese-Kun approved.

    Even though it’s horny, it’s definitely worth your time. When you have a school festival to plan and coup d’etat to organize, you know you’ve reached peak Geass

    1 month ago

    This is why Mobile Suit: Gundam is better and much more diverse than these edgy fakes with unwanted fanservice. I can’t stand how Nihon-centric these “self-pat-on-the-back” mangas are, and how they always show the Japanese regime as as if they’re the victims.

    • GarbageShoot [he/him]
      1 month ago

      The second worst part about the A-Bombs being dropped is that it let Japan eternally play the victim, glossing over what they were doing when the Bombs were dropped.

      • Belly_Beanis [he/him]
        30 days ago

        What do you mean using infants as target and bayonet practice is wrong? Japan was just liberating Asia from Europe! It’s not like they were trying to overthrow foreign oppressors so they could become the oppressors themselves.

        !Someday I might start a struggle session but I think I’ll do it IRL.!<

    • Belly_Beanis [he/him]
      30 days ago

      I read the summary of Code Glassc (or however it’s spelled) and immediately got Japanese war crime apologia vibes from it. I have not watched it because of this. Attack on Titan is similar, though I made it to season 3 before I gave up. Cool monster designs aren’t enough for me to enjoy shitty writing and cryptofascism.

      • cosecantphi [he/him]@hexbear.netOP
        30 days ago

        An ironic recommendation given my post, but I actually suggest giving Code Geass a second chance if that’s what put you off about it. I got the exact same vibe during the peak of Attack on Titan hype and was eventually vindicated, but I feel Code Geass successfully escapes the same pitfalls. Japan under Brtiannian occupation and colonization far more closely resembles modern Palestine than it does post war Japan.

        • Belly_Beanis [he/him]
          30 days ago

          But that’s part of my problem with it. Japan conflating itself with colonized countries in some hypothetical when they continue to have elected leaders openly deny war crimes is not something I’m interested in. It’s like if Germany made a show about Germany getting occupied by Russia and the Russians putting every German in death camps. Meanwhile, in real life, you had openly neo-nazis elected to office who deny the Holocaust.

    30 days ago

    And if the second season didn’t devolve into generic flying mech battles and “I’m 14 And This Is Deep” philosophy about killing god or whatever.

  • Nocturne
    28 days ago

    It’s really not that horny bruh, idk what horny scenes you’re talking about other than a few but it was mostly mecha piloting and anti imperialism. It got real weird at the end but “obnoxiously, embarrasingly horny” is definitely a hyperbole.