The Spartan, poke & board master, rain of thousand spears - Styanax!

Release date: 2022-09-07

Passive: Styanax’s weapon Critical Chance bonus increases by 1% per 40 Shield points, based on his current total including Overshields. Passive bonus is doubled on Speargun primary Weapons.
Axios Javelin - Throw an Axios Javelin. When the javelin impales an enemy against a wall, surrounding enemies are pulled into the area and suffer a burst of damage.
Tharros Strike - Summon Tharros, the shield of Styanax. Swing Tharros to repel enemies and reduce their shields and armor. Styanax regenerates health for every enemy struck.
Rally Point - Draw enemy attention to Styanax. His resolve uplifts nearby allies, regenerating the squad’s energy over time. Styanax and his allies also regenerate shields for every kill assist they contribute.
Final Stand - Exude might and valor. Rise into the air and throw a barrage of Axios Javelins. The javelins deal damage to nearby enemies wherever they land. Direct hits to enemies deal greater damage.

Acquisition: Main and component blueprints are available from Chipper of Kahl’s Garrison with Stock earned from Break Narmer weekly missions.

    2 months ago

    Styanax was pretty fun to play, I had it modded to be a shield tank before his Final Stand augment was added, so he had pretty good survivability. His 1 without his augment feels terrible to use though because it requires you to hit a target to group enemies and if that enemy has Overguard it won’t group any of the other enemies around even if they aren’t protected by Overguard. It doesn’t help that Overguard is getting put on everything in recent updates, his augment does let you hit the ground instead but that feels more like a band-aid instead of just letting it group enemies that aren’t CC immune.

    He had pretty good energy management with rally point and tharros strike helped with removing armor from tankier enemies before killing them to replenish your shields. I don’t think Final Stand was useful on its own, but it is a very good ability if you’re using its augment.