• sylver_dragon@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    I also don’t want to go back there after seeing season 1

    Why? Honestly?

    The writing for Rings of Power is just bad. It comes off as someone’s self-insert fan fiction. Let’s start off with Mary “Galadriel” Sue. Solving all of Middle Earth’s problems single-handedly while making googly eyes at Sauron. There’s also the entirely forgettable plotline around the people in the town being overrun by orcs being guarded by an elf with the emotional range of a fence post. It seems an entirely contrived plot to get a magic sword in the right place and nothing else. The characters involved are flat, and predictable. We also get to see Numenor, yay! Except it’s filled with another bland plot which is like someone really loved the Grima Wormtounge plot from LotR and wanted to spend a couple hours doing the same thing while also giving Galadriel another chance to Mary Sue her way through the city’s problems. And all of those issues are shot through with dialog which sounds like a 16-year old LARPing around a girl he has a crush on. Completely stiff and unnatural.

    Really, the only things the show has going for it are incredible CG artwork in the backgrounds and the Lord of the Rings association. Forget that this is based on the LotR connection for a moment, and the show looks like really well funded fantasy shlock from the height of the SyFy channel. Sure, if you’re dead drunk on the couch and the TV remote is across the room, it’s good enough to not put in the effort to go change the channel. But, as a tent-pole show on a streaming site? Ya, they need to can the entire writing staff and try again.

    • Dasus@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Oh no, a romantic plotline in a billion dollar production!

      Sauron has always been portrayed as beautiful and as “the deceiver.” Why would being charmed by him be a bad thing?

      Yes, Galadriel is “solving all of Middle-Earth’s problems single-handedly” in that she’s doing with the help of everyone.

      Reminder that Elrond’s dad literally plead to the gods to help them fight Morgoth and was made a literal star afterwards. This is literally a fantasy epic? You don’t expect there to be… epic things in it? Galadriel is just one of the main characters.

      “Elf with the emotional range of a fence post”

      So because there’s no overt expression of emotion, there isn’t any emotion? I feel like that’s a “you can’t read emotion” problem more than a it’s lacking emotional range problem. Do you recall Legolas as mightily expressive emotionally, or could it be that a splash of stoicism is actually something associated with the portrayal of wood-elves?

      No offense, but your analysis feels rather shallow.

      Completely stiff and unnatural.

      Idk, like something from the early 20th century? I wonder why there’d be a feeling of something like that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      I think people are rather just going with the bandwagon on these reviews. It’s not great, but its definitely not terrible.