• Drivebyhaiku@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Let me be clear. You come across as smug. Complacent. Self centered. Your privilege places you in a position where your deal is accepted as the norm… But when you preach from that position don’t expect anyone who doesn’t share your position to thank you for it. Your reaction to the frustration is essentially to say “Well that’s tough but that’s how it is.” Which is in so many words just saying “Fuck you.”

    “Oh I’m not going to read all that but here’s my opinion anyway” is saying “Oh you aren’t deserving of my most basic consideration”.

    Your ‘diplomacy’ lacks humanity. It’s just a thin veneer. Really you are a content bystander who self soothes that really there isn’t anything you should be doing because really that would be taking sides. All I said is that the consequences of those people’s actions are I find them a nuisance to be around and here you are finding that so offensive that you feel the need to dicker me into saying that what they are doing is fine actually and that it doesn’t cause me any adverse mental health effects or physical stress symptoms… So what you want me to lie to make you feel better about doing nothing? No let’s face it you want to do worse than nothing. You want to shore up the positions of and act as the white knight for the people who find it perfectly acceptable to make my workplace harder to be in.

    You are an asshole who doesn’t want to have a discussion in earnest, you just want to have a venue to feel superior. Like some bastion of decorum and logic while lacking any flexibility of thought. You are just a troll and you have had enough of my time.