Like everybody in France under 45 is fluent in English, and who the fuck wants to talk to an older European. Every single French colony without exception is phasing out or has phased out the use of French as France was such an awful colonial power. Did you know that Eclair is pronounced aey-clare? This does nothing for me. I guess some people want to read Les Miserables in the original Foot Mold Language, just like random people enjoy reading Ovid or Cicero in Catholic script… And just like Latin, fuck that everything has genders and complicated conjugation.
I swear, the French teachers in school were trying to impart the vibe that if we know the French language, French women would have sex with us.
I refuse to defend any facts that I asserted in this essay.
1: the instruction manual for my guillotine is in French. How am I supposed to figure out where to put a king’s neck and where to place his body if I can’t read le manuel d’utilisation??
2: Debout, les damnés de la terre
Debout, les forçats de la faim
I do not understand why French is put on the same level as actually useful languages. We’ve got a continent and a half that speaks Spanish right next door, and >40 million Spanish speakers in the country. There’s a billion people who speak mandarin. 400 million who speak Arabic (kinda). Hell there’s more indigenous language speakers than French speakers here.
Actually I do understand (it’s racism).
You can sing songs written by Sankara.
Hey, viens t’en au Québec! On a de la poutine, de la bière, des manifestations comme en France, du hockey, et de la neige en crisse!
The beer is good. Demos are on another level.
But there are the laws against wearing hijabs and turbans. . . . and all the other racism.
Or rural Louisiana, mon ami
Actual French speakers in rural Louisiana are few and far between. It was official govt. policy until the 80s to prevent Cajun and Creole kids from speaking French in school.
and who the fuck wants to talk to an older European.
I swear, the French teachers in school were trying to impart the vibe that if we know the French language, French women would have sex with us.
stop already i can only be so unmotivated
Like everybody in France under 45 is fluent in English
Brother, I had to fucking pantomime to ask an 18 year old french guy where the bathroom is at a bar. You have no idea how bad it can be.
On the converse, most french people give English the linguistic respect it deserves which is just speaking french but making sure one word in three is english in the most rotten pronounciation you’ve ever heard.
w.r.t. former colonies it is a shame because i got to connect with a lot of arabic comrades once i got even a beginner’s grasp of the language, which was easy because i speak another romance language. Yes i know how it sounds “boo hoo, why do i have to step out of my western chauvinistic bubble in order to engage with the arabic world”
Like everybody in France under 45 is fluent in English
this isn’t even remotely correct lmao
Death to America
OP clearly never met a French person. Even if they can speak English, that doesn’t mean they will do it just to conviniance a foreigner.
for real. their accent is so thick they may as well be speaking french
English vocabulary is 50% French so you’re basically speaking 50% French anyways owned
Like everybody in France under 45 is fluent in English
Bro I can tell you the ability of French people to speak any other language is a complete disaster. I came across people who went to study English at uni (my uni’s language dept being considered one of the best btw) and still struggled with fluency
Just cause they know English doesn’t mean they want to use it while you’re in their country.
Learning a second language is a gateway to living anywhere that’s not
Don’t visit France (unless you’re a refugee from Burgerland)
I actually like going to france? I seem to be the only person. I also like speaking the language. It is a fun one, very melodic.
I’m a refugee from Burgerland
BTW, do you get that brand of Anglo expat that doesn’t learn the language after living their for years and talks to everyone like a kindergartner in English? Or is that just a global south thing?
we get them here in hungary, which is not global south but not western europe either. i’ve always assumed anglo immigrants are just like this everywhere.
It must be rad to tell everyone in perfect French how absolutely terrible Amerika is. Do the lord’s work!
Not in France and I don’t speak French, I’m only defending them as a matter of principle
I have visited though